
Need to stress out an ftp server, or measure how many users it can support? dkftpbench can do it.

Want to write your own highly efficient networking software, but annoyed by having to support very different code for Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris? libPoller can help.



If you have a question about dkftpbench, join the ftpbench mailing list and post it there.


dkftpbench is released under the GPL (GNU Public License) v2.


dkftpbench is an FTP benchmark program inspired by SPECweb99. The result of the benchmark is a number-of-simultaneous-users rating; after running the benchmark properly, you have a good idea how many simultaneous dialup clients a server can support. The target bandwidth per client is set at 28.8 kilobits/second to model dialup users; this is important for servers on the real Internet, which often serve thousands of clients on only 10 MBits/sec of bandwidth.

The final result of the benchmark is "the number of simultaneous 28.8 kilobits/second dialup users". To estimate this number, the benchmark starts up a new simulated user as soon as the last one has finished connecting. It stops increasing the number of users when one fails to connect, fails to maintain the desired bandwidth, or the limit specified by the -n option is reached. It runs the simulated users until the amount of time specified by the -t option has elapsed since the last simulated user birth or death; the final score is the number of users still alive at the end.

To help people tune up their systems in preparation for running the benchmark, the utility dklimits is provided.


Comparisons of various ftp daemons, and between poll and F_SETSIG, using this tool are available.

Results of a microbenchmark comparing poll() and /dev/poll are available.


I planned to hold a Linux FTP Server Performance Bakeoff in March 2000 using this benchmark, but it looks like it might be more like March 2002 :-(

FTP Client Library

As part of this project, a multiplexing FTP client library has been developed. This will let programs do nonblocking FTP client stuff more or less conveniently. Potentially useful for FTP clients that want to fetch lots of files at once. The library consists of all the source files in the ftp benchmark except for and robouser.{cc,h}.

Of particular interest is Poller, an OO wrapper around the various readiness notification methods supported by various versions of Unix (vanilla Unix poll() and select(), FreeBSD's kqueue(), Linux and Solaris /dev/poll, O_ASYNC for Linux, and O_ONESIGFD for Linux). Regardless of whether the underlying notification mechanism is edge-triggered or level-triggered, Poller presents a level-triggered interface to the program.

The benchmark uses Poller, and you can even pick one of the six readiness notification schemes at runtime using the -s option.

You can use Poller in your programs, too. 'make install' installs libPoller.a and the needed headers.

If you want to use nonblocking connects, read Stevens 'Unix Network Programming vol 1', p. 410 and see the unit test testRejection() in for how to do it.

Warning: the 2.4 linux kernel's SIGIO support doesn't extend to pipes. If you're using the 2.4 linux kernel, you may need to apply Jeremy Elson's patch to your kernel if you want to use Poller_sigio.


The following features are implemented: The following features are not yet implemented: Issues:


After unpacking the sources, configure them for your system with the command
This will generate Makefile from

To make sure the sources arrived intact and work properly on your system, type

make check
It will build all unit tests, and fail if any unit test fails. You must be connected to the Internet, as this will try to download a file from

To build the system tuning tool dklimits, type

make dklimits
Run it on both the client and the server machine; make sure that the number of files it can open is about three times the desired number of users, and that the number of ports it can bind is higher than the desired number of users. You should not be running X Windows or any other programs on the client and server machines when running the benchmark.

To build the benchmark, type

This produces the executable 'dkftpbench', the tuning program 'dklimits', and a bunch of unit tests (executables with names ending in _test) that you can ignore for now.

Here's a simple use of dkftpbench:

./dkftpbench -n1 -t15 -v
This tells bench to simulate one user fetching the default file from repeatedly, and stop after fifteen seconds. The program produces this output:
Option values: host name of ftp server
 -P21 port number of ftp server
 -n1 number of users
 -t15 length of run (in seconds)
 -b3600 desired bandwidth (in bytes per second)
 -uanonymous user name
 -probouser@ user password
 -fusenet/rec.juggling/juggling.FAQ.Z file to fetch
 -m1500 bytes per 'packet'
 -v1 verbosity
1 users
User0: fetching 22708 bytes took 6.530000 seconds, 3477 bytes per second
User0: fetching 22708 bytes took 6.530000 seconds, 3477 bytes per second
Test over.  1 users left standing.

Distributed Load Generation

As of version 0.42, dkftpbench includes an experimental distributed version. To use it, follow these steps:
  1. Install a C++ corba library, preferably OmniOrb 3. (See omni_scripts.tar.gz for an example of how to build it.)
  2. 'make CorbaPlatoon_impl corbaftpbench'
  3. Start a Corba name service somewhere.
  4. Start a copy of CorbaPlatoon_impl on each load generation machine, being sure to configure Corba on each load machine to know about your name service.
  5. Start a single copy of corbaftpbench (it's nearly the same as dkftpbench). This should start your own little distributed denial-of-service-attack against the ftp server of your choice. Please don't bombard a public FTP server -- run your own for the purpose!

System Tuning

On a Linux system, you may need to pay attention to the per-process limit on open filehandles (ulimit -n) as well as the system limit on open filehandles (/proc/sys/fs/file-max) and the available port range (/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range).

The program dklimits.c can help you check your system's limits. Generally, ftp daemons require at least two network sockets and one disk file descriptor per user. Use dklimits to verify you have enough sockets and descriptors for your expected number of users. Same goes for systems that will be used as ftp load generators, except that since they don't usually store data on disk, they don't need the disk file descriptor.

On Linux, I run the following commands before starting the server or client:

ulimit -n 4096
echo 1024 32767 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
echo 4096 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
and then check using dklimits to make sure these settings took effect.

Reporting Guidelines

I invite people to run this on their FTP servers and report the results by email. If you want to do this, use the following command to generate test data files:
make data
This will generate x10k.dat, x100k.dat, and x1000k.dat. Run the commands
time dkftpbench -h200.201.202.203 -utestuser -ptestpass -n500 -t600 -fx10k.dat
time dkftpbench -h200.201.202.203 -utestuser -ptestpass -n500 -t600 -fx1000k.dat
on a different machine from the ftp server (substituting your server's IP address, username, and password), and send in the following data: I will collect and post the results.

Eventually, a more sophisticated workload and set of reporting guidelines will be provided.

How to read the sources

  1. Read this whole Web page, including the coding standards.
  2. Read the pages this links to, including the documentation included with the sources (listed above).
  3. If you don't know sockets, read one of the tutorials linked to below.
  4. If poll() or "non-blocking I/O" is still mysterious to you, read Unix Network Programming or Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment until it makes sense :-)
  5. To start reading the sources, arrange the modules in order from lowest level (i.e. doesn't use any of the other modules) to highest level (ui.e. ses but isn't used by any of the other modules). For this project, the order is nbbio, fdmap, ftp_client_proto, ftp_client_pipe, robouser, bench.
  6. Pick the first module in the list, e.g. nbbio. Review its .h file (nbbio.h). Note any confusing parts, and email the mailing list with any questions. They may respond by improving the comments in the file, by simply answering your questions, or even by fixing a bug you find.
  7. After the .h file makes sense to you, review the same module's .cc file (e.g. and do the same thing.
  8. When you understand that module's .h and .cc, move on to the next module in the list that uses modules you've already reviewed. When you come across references to modules you've already reviewed, you'll have a good understanding of them, and they won't stump you.


ftp_client_pipe_t keeps track of the number of bytes read via the network (in either data or control channels). When this exceeds a threshold, no more reads are executed for the appropriate amount of time. ftp_client_pipe_t sleeps for enough clock ticks to hide the granularity of the clock. In particular, ftp_client_pipe_t sleeps as soon as Tw = (bytes_sent / desired_bandwidth - elapsed_time) is greater than eight clock ticks. For example, if eclock_hertz() is 100, the desired bandwidth is 28000 bits/sec, it's been one clock tick since it last woke up, and it has received 1500 bytes since it last woke up, then desired_bandwidth = 28000 / eclock_hertz() = 280 bits/tick, and Tw = 1500 * 8 / 280 - 1 = 42, so it would wait 42 clock ticks before accepting any more reads. On the other hand, if it takes 60 clock ticks to receive 1500 bytes, it won't sleep at all. (Compare with SPECweb99's "Rated Receive" logic, which only sleeps at the end of each file fetch.)

But see Rick Jones' post on comp.benchmarks for a report of some trouble with this kind of throttling technique.

To Thread or not to Thread

I've chosen an event-driven approach to the problem. ("Event driven" is also known as "non-threaded", "polling I/O", "non-blocking I/O", or "multiplexed I/O".) Many programmers today are familiar only with the threaded model of writing servers, where the server creates a new thread or process for each client. This lets you write code in a stream-of-conciousness way, but has several drawbacks: it can be very hard to debug, and it can have high overhead. John Ousterhout's talk on "Why Threads are a Bad Idea (for most purposes)" explains some of the reasons programmers familiar with threads should also learn about the alternatives to threads:
The talk compares the threads style of programming to an alternative approach, events, that use only a single thread of control. Although each approach has its weaknesses, events result in simpler, more manageable code than threads, with efficiency that is generally as good as or better than threads. Most of the applications for which threading is currently recommended (including nearly all user-interface applications) would be better off with an event-based implementation.
In an event-driven server, a single thread handles many clients at the same time. This is done by dividing up the work into small pieces, and explicitly handling a single stream of all the pieces of work from all the clients; each client gets a moment of attention just when it needs it.

I've chosen this approach because it will use much less memory to support tens of thousands of clients than would a thread-per-client approach. I may still introduce threads at some point to allow the program to make use of multiple CPU's, but I will do so sparingly.

Support for alternatives to poll()

dkftpbench supports both poll() and alternative readiness notification methods. This was done by adding a Poller class which abstracts the poll() system call; concrete subclasses of this have been written for poll(), select(), F_SETSIG, kqueue(), and /dev/poll. dkftpbench has been tested with most of these (not kqueue or /dev/poll yet), and you can choose which one to use from the dkftpbench commandline.


Other Benchmarks

Interesting Server Programs

Other FTP libraries


Resources for learning about network programming

Coding Standards

Since this code is licensed under the GPL, you're free to do as you like with it. If you want to contribute to the project, though, please follow these guidelines:
Last Change: 18 Mar 2002; links last fixed 21 Dec 2005
Most files Copyright 1999-2002 Dan Kegel
nbbio.{cc,h} are Copyright 1999 Disappearing, Inc.
See AUTHORS in the tarball for more details