fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 fixme:console:AttachConsole stub ffffffff Note: Google Test filter = -DiskCacheEntryTest.CancelSparseIO:SSLClientSocketTest.*:X509CertificateTest.PaypalNullCertParsing [==========] Running 994 tests from 83 test cases. [----------] Global test environment set-up. [----------] 50 tests from FtpNetworkTransactionTest [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.FailedLookup [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.FailedLookup (1 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransaction [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransaction (3 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionMultilineWelcome [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionMultilineWelcome (3 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionShortReads2 [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionShortReads2 (7 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionShortReads5 [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionShortReads5 (4 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionMultilineWelcomeShort [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionMultilineWelcomeShort (4 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionVMS [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionVMS (3 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionVMSRootDirectory [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionVMSRootDirectory (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransaction [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransaction (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionMultilineWelcome [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionMultilineWelcome (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionShortReads2 [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionShortReads2 (5 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionShortReads5 [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionShortReads5 (3 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionVMS [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionVMS (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionAcceptedDataConnection [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionAcceptedDataConnection (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionTransferStarting [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionTransferStarting (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionInvalidResponse [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionInvalidResponse (1 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilPasvUnsafePort1 [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilPasvUnsafePort1 (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilPasvUnsafePort2 [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilPasvUnsafePort2 (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilPasvUnsafePort3 [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilPasvUnsafePort3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilPasvUnsafePort4 [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilPasvUnsafePort4 (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilPasvUnsafeHost [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilPasvUnsafeHost (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilLoginBadUsername [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilLoginBadUsername (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilLoginBadPassword [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionEvilLoginBadPassword (1 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionSpaceInLogin [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionSpaceInLogin (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionSpaceInPassword [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionSpaceInPassword (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.EvilRestartUser [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.EvilRestartUser (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.EvilRestartPassword [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.EvilRestartPassword (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.Escaping [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.Escaping (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.CloseConnection [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.CloseConnection (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailUser [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailUser (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailPass [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailPass (1 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailSyst [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailSyst (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailPwd [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailPwd (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailType [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailType (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailPasv [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailPasv (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionMalformedMdtm [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionMalformedMdtm (3 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailMdtm [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailMdtm (3 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailPasv2 [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailPasv2 (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailCwd [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailCwd (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFileNotFound [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFileNotFound (3 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailList [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DirectoryTransactionFailList (3 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailUser [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailUser (1 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailPass [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailPass (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailSyst [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailSyst (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailPwd [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailPwd (1 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailType [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailType (1 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailPasv [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailPasv (1 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailMdtm [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailMdtm (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailRetr [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFailRetr (2 ms) [ RUN ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFileNotFound [ OK ] FtpNetworkTransactionTest.DownloadTransactionFileNotFound (2 ms) [----------] 50 tests from FtpNetworkTransactionTest (132 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from FtpAuthCacheTest [ RUN ] FtpAuthCacheTest.LookupAddRemove [ OK ] FtpAuthCacheTest.LookupAddRemove (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpAuthCacheTest.LookupWithPort [ OK ] FtpAuthCacheTest.LookupWithPort (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpAuthCacheTest.NormalizedKey [ OK ] FtpAuthCacheTest.NormalizedKey (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpAuthCacheTest.OnlyRemoveMatching [ OK ] FtpAuthCacheTest.OnlyRemoveMatching (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpAuthCacheTest.EvictOldEntries [ OK ] FtpAuthCacheTest.EvictOldEntries (1 ms) [----------] 5 tests from FtpAuthCacheTest (3 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from FtpUtilTest [ RUN ] FtpUtilTest.UnixFilePathToVMS [ OK ] FtpUtilTest.UnixFilePathToVMS (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpUtilTest.UnixDirectoryPathToVMS [ OK ] FtpUtilTest.UnixDirectoryPathToVMS (1 ms) [ RUN ] FtpUtilTest.VMSPathToUnix [ OK ] FtpUtilTest.VMSPathToUnix (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from FtpUtilTest (2 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from FtpDirectoryListingParsersTest [ RUN ] FtpDirectoryListingParsersTest.Ls [ OK ] FtpDirectoryListingParsersTest.Ls (3 ms) [ RUN ] FtpDirectoryListingParsersTest.Vms [ OK ] FtpDirectoryListingParsersTest.Vms (15 ms) [----------] 2 tests from FtpDirectoryListingParsersTest (20 ms total) [----------] 1 test from FtpDirectoryListingBufferTest [ RUN ] FtpDirectoryListingBufferTest.Parse [ OK ] FtpDirectoryListingBufferTest.Parse (29 ms) [----------] 1 test from FtpDirectoryListingBufferTest (29 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest [ RUN ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.Basic [ OK ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.Basic (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.Chunks [ OK ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.Chunks (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.Continuation [ OK ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.Continuation (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.MultilineContinuation [ OK ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.MultilineContinuation (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.SimilarContinuation [ OK ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.SimilarContinuation (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.NoNesting [ OK ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.NoNesting (1 ms) [ RUN ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.NonNumericResponse [ OK ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.NonNumericResponse (0 ms) [ RUN ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.OutOfRangeResponse [ OK ] FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest.OutOfRangeResponse (0 ms) [----------] 8 tests from FtpCtrlResponseBufferTest (5 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from HttpAuthHandlerBasicTest [ RUN ] HttpAuthHandlerBasicTest.GenerateCredentials [ OK ] HttpAuthHandlerBasicTest.GenerateCredentials (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthHandlerBasicTest.InitFromChallenge [ OK ] HttpAuthHandlerBasicTest.InitFromChallenge (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from HttpAuthHandlerBasicTest (2 ms total) [----------] 10 tests from HttpAuthTest [ RUN ] HttpAuthTest.ChooseBestChallenge [ OK ] HttpAuthTest.ChooseBestChallenge (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthTest.ChooseBestChallengeConnectionBased [ OK ] HttpAuthTest.ChooseBestChallengeConnectionBased (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthTest.ChallengeTokenizer [ OK ] HttpAuthTest.ChallengeTokenizer (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthTest.ChallengeTokenizerNoQuotes [ OK ] HttpAuthTest.ChallengeTokenizerNoQuotes (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthTest.ChallengeTokenizerNoValue [ OK ] HttpAuthTest.ChallengeTokenizerNoValue (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthTest.ChallengeTokenizerMultiple [ OK ] HttpAuthTest.ChallengeTokenizerMultiple (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthTest.ChallengeTokenizerNoProperty [ OK ] HttpAuthTest.ChallengeTokenizerNoProperty (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthTest.GetChallengeHeaderName [ OK ] HttpAuthTest.GetChallengeHeaderName (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthTest.GetAuthorizationHeaderName [ OK ] HttpAuthTest.GetAuthorizationHeaderName (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthTest.CreateAuthHandler [ OK ] HttpAuthTest.CreateAuthHandler (1 ms) [----------] 10 tests from HttpAuthTest (8 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from HttpVaryDataTest [ RUN ] HttpVaryDataTest.IsInvalid [ OK ] HttpVaryDataTest.IsInvalid (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpVaryDataTest.MultipleInit [ OK ] HttpVaryDataTest.MultipleInit (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpVaryDataTest.DoesVary [ OK ] HttpVaryDataTest.DoesVary (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpVaryDataTest.DoesVary2 [ OK ] HttpVaryDataTest.DoesVary2 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpVaryDataTest.DoesntVary [ OK ] HttpVaryDataTest.DoesntVary (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpVaryDataTest.DoesntVary2 [ OK ] HttpVaryDataTest.DoesntVary2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpVaryDataTest.ImplicitCookieForRedirect [ OK ] HttpVaryDataTest.ImplicitCookieForRedirect (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpVaryDataTest.ImplicitCookieForRedirect2 [ OK ] HttpVaryDataTest.ImplicitCookieForRedirect2 (0 ms) [----------] 8 tests from HttpVaryDataTest (7 ms total) [----------] 25 tests from HttpChunkedDecoderTest [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.Basic [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.Basic (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.OneChunk [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.OneChunk (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.Typical [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.Typical (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.Incremental [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.Incremental (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.LF_InsteadOf_CRLF [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.LF_InsteadOf_CRLF (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.Extensions [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.Extensions (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.Trailers [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.Trailers (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.TrailersUnfinished [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.TrailersUnfinished (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_TooBig [19:41:1106/] Failed parsing HEX from: 48469410265455838241 [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_TooBig (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_0X [19:41:1106/] Failed parsing HEX from: 0x5 [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_0X (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.ChunkSize_TrailingSpace [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.ChunkSize_TrailingSpace (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_TrailingTab [19:41:1106/] Failed parsing HEX from: 5 [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_TrailingTab (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_TrailingFormFeed [19:41:1106/] Failed parsing HEX from: 5 [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_TrailingFormFeed (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_TrailingVerticalTab [19:41:1106/] Failed parsing HEX from: 5 [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_TrailingVerticalTab (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_TrailingNonHexDigit [19:41:1106/] Failed parsing HEX from: 5H [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_TrailingNonHexDigit (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_LeadingSpace [19:41:1106/] Failed parsing HEX from: 5 [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_LeadingSpace (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidLeadingSeparator [19:41:1106/] missing chunk-size [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidLeadingSeparator (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_NoSeparator [19:41:1106/] chunk data not terminated properly [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_NoSeparator (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_Negative [19:41:1106/] Failed parsing HEX from: -5 [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_Negative (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_Plus [19:41:1106/] Failed parsing HEX from: +5 [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidChunkSize_Plus (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidConsecutiveCRLFs [19:41:1106/] missing chunk-size [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.InvalidConsecutiveCRLFs (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.ExcessiveChunkLen [19:41:1106/] Failed parsing HEX from: c0000000 [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.ExcessiveChunkLen (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.BasicExtraData [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.BasicExtraData (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.IncrementalExtraData [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.IncrementalExtraData (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.MultipleExtraDataBlocks [ OK ] HttpChunkedDecoderTest.MultipleExtraDataBlocks (0 ms) [----------] 25 tests from HttpChunkedDecoderTest (19 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from HttpByteRangeTest [ RUN ] HttpByteRangeTest.ValidRanges [ OK ] HttpByteRangeTest.ValidRanges (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpByteRangeTest.SetInstanceSize [ OK ] HttpByteRangeTest.SetInstanceSize (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from HttpByteRangeTest (1 ms total) [----------] 16 tests from HttpUtilTest [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.HasHeader [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.HasHeader (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.StripHeaders [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.StripHeaders (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.HeadersIterator [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.HeadersIterator (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.HeadersIterator_MalformedLine [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.HeadersIterator_MalformedLine (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.HeadersIterator_AdvanceTo [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.HeadersIterator_AdvanceTo (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.HeadersIterator_Reset [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.HeadersIterator_Reset (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.ValuesIterator [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.ValuesIterator (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.ValuesIterator_Blanks [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.ValuesIterator_Blanks (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.Unquote [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.Unquote (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.Quote [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.Quote (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.LocateEndOfHeaders [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.LocateEndOfHeaders (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.AssembleRawHeaders [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.AssembleRawHeaders (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.RequestUrlSanitize [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.RequestUrlSanitize (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.GenerateAcceptLanguageHeader [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.GenerateAcceptLanguageHeader (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.GenerateAcceptCharsetHeader [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.GenerateAcceptCharsetHeader (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpUtilTest.ParseRanges [ OK ] HttpUtilTest.ParseRanges (2 ms) [----------] 16 tests from HttpUtilTest (10 ms total) [----------] 31 tests from HttpResponseHeadersTest [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersWhitespace [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersWhitespace (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersLeadingWhitespace [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersLeadingWhitespace (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.BlankHeaders [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.BlankHeaders (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersVersion [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersVersion (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.PreserveHttp09 [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.PreserveHttp09 (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersMissingOK [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersMissingOK (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersBadStatus [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersBadStatus (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersEmpty [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersEmpty (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersStartWithColon [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersStartWithColon (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersStartWithColonAtEOL [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersStartWithColonAtEOL (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersOfWhitepace [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.NormalizeHeadersOfWhitepace (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.RepeatedSetCookie [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.RepeatedSetCookie (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetNormalizedHeader [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetNormalizedHeader (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.Persist [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.Persist (8 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.EnumerateHeader_Coalesced [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.EnumerateHeader_Coalesced (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.EnumerateHeader_Challenge [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.EnumerateHeader_Challenge (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.EnumerateHeader_DateValued [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.EnumerateHeader_DateValued (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetMimeType [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetMimeType (6 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.RequiresValidation [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.RequiresValidation (5 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.Update [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.Update (4 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.EnumerateHeaderLines [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.EnumerateHeaderLines (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.IsRedirect [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.IsRedirect (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetContentLength [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetContentLength (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.IsKeepAlive [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.IsKeepAlive (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetStatusText [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetStatusText (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetStatusTextMissing [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetStatusTextMissing (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetStatusTextMultiSpace [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetStatusTextMultiSpace (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetStatusBadStatusLine [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.GetStatusBadStatusLine (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.AddHeader [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.AddHeader (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.RemoveHeader [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.RemoveHeader (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.ReplaceStatus [ OK ] HttpResponseHeadersTest.ReplaceStatus (1 ms) [----------] 31 tests from HttpResponseHeadersTest (55 ms total) [----------] 1 test from HttpResponseHeaders [ RUN ] HttpResponseHeaders.GetContentRange [ OK ] HttpResponseHeaders.GetContentRange (6 ms) [----------] 1 test from HttpResponseHeaders (6 ms total) [----------] 97 tests from HttpNetworkTransactionTest [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.Basic [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.Basic (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SimpleGET [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SimpleGET (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SimpleGETNoHeaders [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SimpleGETNoHeaders (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StatusLineJunk2Bytes [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StatusLineJunk2Bytes (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StatusLineJunk4Bytes [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StatusLineJunk4Bytes (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StatusLineJunk5Bytes [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StatusLineJunk5Bytes (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StatusLineJunk4Bytes_Slow [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StatusLineJunk4Bytes_Slow (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StatusLinePartial [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StatusLinePartial (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StopsReading204 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.StopsReading204 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ChunkedEncoding [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ChunkedEncoding (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.Head [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.Head (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ReuseConnection [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ReuseConnection (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.Ignores100 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.Ignores100 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.Ignores1xx [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.Ignores1xx (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.KeepAliveConnectionReset [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.KeepAliveConnectionReset (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.KeepAliveConnectionEOF [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.KeepAliveConnectionEOF (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.NonKeepAliveConnectionReset [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.NonKeepAliveConnectionReset (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.NonKeepAliveConnectionEOF [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.NonKeepAliveConnectionEOF (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuth [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuth (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.DoNotSendAuth [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.DoNotSendAuth (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthKeepAlive [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthKeepAlive (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthKeepAliveNoBody [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthKeepAliveNoBody (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthKeepAliveLargeBody [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthKeepAliveLargeBody (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthProxyKeepAlive [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthProxyKeepAlive (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthProxyCancelTunnel [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthProxyCancelTunnel (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus100 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus100 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus101 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus101 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus201 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus201 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus202 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus202 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus203 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus203 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus204 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus204 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus205 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus205 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus206 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus206 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus300 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus300 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus301 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus301 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus302 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus302 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus303 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus303 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus304 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus304 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus305 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus305 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus306 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus306 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus307 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus307 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus400 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus400 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus401 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus401 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus402 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus402 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus403 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus403 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus404 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus404 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus405 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus405 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus406 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus406 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus407 [19:41:1106/] Can't perform auth to the proxy http://myproxy:70/ when establishing a tunnel [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus407 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus408 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus408 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus409 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus409 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus410 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus410 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus411 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus411 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus412 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus412 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus413 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus413 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus414 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus414 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus415 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus415 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus416 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus416 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus417 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus417 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus500 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus500 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus501 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus501 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus502 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus502 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus503 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus503 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus504 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus504 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus505 [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectStatus505 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthProxyThenServer [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthProxyThenServer (4 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.LargeHeadersNoBody [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.LargeHeadersNoBody (51 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.DontRecycleTCPSocketForSSLTunnel [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.DontRecycleTCPSocketForSSLTunnel (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.RecycleSocket [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.RecycleSocket (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.RecycleSocketAfterZeroContentLength [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.RecycleSocketAfterZeroContentLength (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ResendRequestOnWriteBodyError [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ResendRequestOnWriteBodyError (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.AuthIdentityInURL [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.AuthIdentityInURL (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.WrongAuthIdentityInURL [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.WrongAuthIdentityInURL (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthCacheAndPreauth [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BasicAuthCacheAndPreauth (10 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ResetStateForRestart [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ResetStateForRestart (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.HTTPSBadCertificate [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.HTTPSBadCertificate (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.HTTPSBadCertificateViaProxy [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.HTTPSBadCertificateViaProxy (4 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_UserAgent [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_UserAgent (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_Referer [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_Referer (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_PostContentLengthZero [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_PostContentLengthZero (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_PutContentLengthZero [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_PutContentLengthZero (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_HeadContentLengthZero [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_HeadContentLengthZero (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_CacheControlNoCache [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_CacheControlNoCache (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_CacheControlValidateCache [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_CacheControlValidateCache (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_ExtraHeaders [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BuildRequest_ExtraHeaders (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SOCKS4_HTTP_GET [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SOCKS4_HTTP_GET (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SOCKS4_SSL_GET [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SOCKS4_SSL_GET (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SOCKS5_HTTP_GET [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SOCKS5_HTTP_GET (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SOCKS5_SSL_GET [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.SOCKS5_SSL_GET (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.GroupNameForProxyConnections [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.GroupNameForProxyConnections (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ReconsiderProxyAfterFailedConnection [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ReconsiderProxyAfterFailedConnection (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ResolveMadeWithReferrer [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ResolveMadeWithReferrer (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BypassHostCacheOnRefresh [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.BypassHostCacheOnRefresh (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.RequestWriteError [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.RequestWriteError (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectionClosedAfterStartOfHeaders [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.ConnectionClosedAfterStartOfHeaders (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.DrainResetOK [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.DrainResetOK (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.HTTPSViaProxyWithExtraData [ OK ] HttpNetworkTransactionTest.HTTPSViaProxyWithExtraData (1 ms) [----------] 97 tests from HttpNetworkTransactionTest (240 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from HttpAuthCacheTest [ RUN ] HttpAuthCacheTest.Basic [ OK ] HttpAuthCacheTest.Basic (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthCacheTest.AddPath [ OK ] HttpAuthCacheTest.AddPath (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthCacheTest.AddToExistingEntry [ OK ] HttpAuthCacheTest.AddToExistingEntry (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthCacheTest.Remove [ OK ] HttpAuthCacheTest.Remove (0 ms) [----------] 4 tests from HttpAuthCacheTest (2 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from HttpAuthCacheEvictionTest [ RUN ] HttpAuthCacheEvictionTest.RealmEntryEviction [ OK ] HttpAuthCacheEvictionTest.RealmEntryEviction (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthCacheEvictionTest.RealmPathEviction [ OK ] HttpAuthCacheEvictionTest.RealmPathEviction (2 ms) [----------] 2 tests from HttpAuthCacheEvictionTest (6 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from HttpNetworkLayerTest [ RUN ] HttpNetworkLayerTest.CreateAndDestroy [ OK ] HttpNetworkLayerTest.CreateAndDestroy (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkLayerTest.Suspend [ OK ] HttpNetworkLayerTest.Suspend (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpNetworkLayerTest.GET [ OK ] HttpNetworkLayerTest.GET (1 ms) [----------] 3 tests from HttpNetworkLayerTest (3 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from DESTest [ RUN ] DESTest.KnownAnswerTest1 [ OK ] DESTest.KnownAnswerTest1 (1 ms) [ RUN ] DESTest.KnownAnswerTest2 [ OK ] DESTest.KnownAnswerTest2 (1 ms) [----------] 2 tests from DESTest (2 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from HttpAuthHandlerDigestTest [ RUN ] HttpAuthHandlerDigestTest.ParseChallenge [ OK ] HttpAuthHandlerDigestTest.ParseChallenge (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpAuthHandlerDigestTest.AssembleCredentials [ OK ] HttpAuthHandlerDigestTest.AssembleCredentials (5 ms) [----------] 2 tests from HttpAuthHandlerDigestTest (6 ms total) [----------] 79 tests from HttpCache [ RUN ] HttpCache.CreateThenDestroy [ OK ] HttpCache.CreateThenDestroy (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGETNoDiskCache [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGETNoDiskCache (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGETWithDiskFailures [19:41:1106/] failed to write response info to cache [19:41:1106/] failed to write response info to cache [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGETWithDiskFailures (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGETWithDiskFailures2 [19:41:1106/] failed to write response data to cache [19:41:1106/] failed to write response info to cache [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGETWithDiskFailures2 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadOnlyFromCache_Hit [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadOnlyFromCache_Hit (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadOnlyFromCache_Miss [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadOnlyFromCache_Miss (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadPreferringCache_Hit [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadPreferringCache_Hit (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadPreferringCache_Miss [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadPreferringCache_Miss (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadBypassCache [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadBypassCache (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadBypassCache_Implicit [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadBypassCache_Implicit (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadBypassCache_Implicit2 [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadBypassCache_Implicit2 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadValidateCache [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadValidateCache (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadValidateCache_Implicit [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_LoadValidateCache_Implicit (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_PreserveRequestHeaders [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_PreserveRequestHeaders (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedGET_PreserveRequestHeaders [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedGET_PreserveRequestHeaders (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_ManyReaders [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_ManyReaders (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_RacingReaders [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_RacingReaders (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_DoomWithPending [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_DoomWithPending (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.FastNoStoreGET_DoneWithPending [ OK ] HttpCache.FastNoStoreGET_DoneWithPending (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_ManyWriters_CancelFirst [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_ManyWriters_CancelFirst (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_AbandonedCacheRead [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_AbandonedCacheRead (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.TypicalGET_ConditionalRequest [ OK ] HttpCache.TypicalGET_ConditionalRequest (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ETagGET_ConditionalRequest_304 [ OK ] HttpCache.ETagGET_ConditionalRequest_304 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ETagGET_ConditionalRequest_304_NoStore [ OK ] HttpCache.ETagGET_ConditionalRequest_304_NoStore (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimplePOST_SkipsCache [ OK ] HttpCache.SimplePOST_SkipsCache (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache1 [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache1 (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache2 [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache2 (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache3 [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache3 (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache4 [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache4 (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache5 [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache5 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache6 [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache6 (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache7 [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache7 (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache8 [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache8 (4 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache9 [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache9 (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache10 [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache10 (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache11 [ OK ] HttpCache.ConditionalizedRequestUpdatesCache11 (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.UrlContainingHash [ OK ] HttpCache.UrlContainingHash (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimplePOST_LoadOnlyFromCache_Miss [ OK ] HttpCache.SimplePOST_LoadOnlyFromCache_Miss (0 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimplePOST_LoadOnlyFromCache_Hit [ OK ] HttpCache.SimplePOST_LoadOnlyFromCache_Hit (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_SkipsCache [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_SkipsCache (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_SkipsCache2 [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_SkipsCache2 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.GET_Crazy206 [ OK ] HttpCache.GET_Crazy206 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_OK [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_OK (17 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_304 [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_304 (8 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_ModifiedResult [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_ModifiedResult (9 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.UnknownRangeGET_1 [ OK ] HttpCache.UnknownRangeGET_1 (8 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.UnknownRangeGET_2 [ OK ] HttpCache.UnknownRangeGET_2 (8 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.UnknownRangeGET_304 [ OK ] HttpCache.UnknownRangeGET_304 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.GET_Previous206 [ OK ] HttpCache.GET_Previous206 (9 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.GET_Previous206_NotModified [ OK ] HttpCache.GET_Previous206_NotModified (9 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.GET_Previous206_NotSparse [ OK ] HttpCache.GET_Previous206_NotSparse (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_Previous206_NotSparse_2 [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_Previous206_NotSparse_2 (3 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_Previous200 [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_Previous200 (10 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeRequestResultsIn200 [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeRequestResultsIn200 (6 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_MoreThanCurrentSize [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_MoreThanCurrentSize (9 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_Cancel [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_Cancel (4 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_Cancel2 [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_Cancel2 (10 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_InvalidResponse1 [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_InvalidResponse1 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_InvalidResponse2 [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_InvalidResponse2 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_InvalidResponse3 [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_InvalidResponse3 (7 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_LargeValues [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_LargeValues (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_NoDiskCache [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_NoDiskCache (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeHEAD [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeHEAD (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.WriteResponseInfo_Truncated [ OK ] HttpCache.WriteResponseInfo_Truncated (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.DoomOnDestruction [ OK ] HttpCache.DoomOnDestruction (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.Set_Truncated_Flag [ OK ] HttpCache.Set_Truncated_Flag (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.GET_IncompleteResource [ OK ] HttpCache.GET_IncompleteResource (4 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.RangeGET_IncompleteResource [ OK ] HttpCache.RangeGET_IncompleteResource (5 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SyncRead [ OK ] HttpCache.SyncRead (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.ValidationResultsIn200 [ OK ] HttpCache.ValidationResultsIn200 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.CachedRedirect [ OK ] HttpCache.CachedRedirect (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.CacheControlNoStore [ OK ] HttpCache.CacheControlNoStore (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.CacheControlNoStore2 [ OK ] HttpCache.CacheControlNoStore2 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.CacheControlNoStore3 [ OK ] HttpCache.CacheControlNoStore3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_SSLError [ OK ] HttpCache.SimpleGET_SSLError (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.OutlivedTransactions [ OK ] HttpCache.OutlivedTransactions (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.CacheDisabledMode [ OK ] HttpCache.CacheDisabledMode (1 ms) [ RUN ] HttpCache.UpdatesRequestResponseTimeOn304 [ OK ] HttpCache.UpdatesRequestResponseTimeOn304 (2 ms) [----------] 79 tests from HttpCache (264 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from TCPClientSocketTest [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketTest.Connect fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] TCPClientSocketTest.Connect (2 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketTest.Read fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] TCPClientSocketTest.Read (2 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketTest.Read_SmallChunks fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] TCPClientSocketTest.Read_SmallChunks (2 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketTest.Read_Interrupted fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] TCPClientSocketTest.Read_Interrupted (1 ms) [----------] 4 tests from TCPClientSocketTest (10 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from SOCKSClientSocketTest [ RUN ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.CompleteHandshake [ OK ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.CompleteHandshake (1 ms) [ RUN ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.HandshakeFailures [19:41:1106/] Unknown response from SOCKS server. [19:41:1106/] SOCKS request rejected or failed [ OK ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.HandshakeFailures (2 ms) [ RUN ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.PartialServerReads [ OK ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.PartialServerReads (1 ms) [ RUN ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.PartialClientWrites [ OK ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.PartialClientWrites (1 ms) [ RUN ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.FailedSocketRead [ OK ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.FailedSocketRead (1 ms) [ RUN ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.SOCKS4AFailedDNS [ OK ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.SOCKS4AFailedDNS (1 ms) [ RUN ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.SOCKS4AIfDomainInIPv6 [ OK ] SOCKSClientSocketTest.SOCKS4AIfDomainInIPv6 (1 ms) [----------] 7 tests from SOCKSClientSocketTest (10 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from SOCKS5ClientSocketTest [ RUN ] SOCKS5ClientSocketTest.CompleteHandshake [ OK ] SOCKS5ClientSocketTest.CompleteHandshake (1 ms) [ RUN ] SOCKS5ClientSocketTest.FailedDNS [ OK ] SOCKS5ClientSocketTest.FailedDNS (0 ms) [ RUN ] SOCKS5ClientSocketTest.IPv6Domain [ OK ] SOCKS5ClientSocketTest.IPv6Domain (0 ms) [ RUN ] SOCKS5ClientSocketTest.PartialReadWrites [ OK ] SOCKS5ClientSocketTest.PartialReadWrites (2 ms) [----------] 4 tests from SOCKS5ClientSocketTest (6 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from TCPPingerTest [ RUN ] TCPPingerTest.Ping fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] TCPPingerTest.Ping (1 ms) [ RUN ] TCPPingerTest.PingFail fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] TCPPingerTest.PingFail (102 ms) [----------] 2 tests from TCPPingerTest (103 ms total) [----------] 12 tests from TCPClientSocketPoolTest [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.Basic [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.Basic (11 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.InitHostResolutionFailure [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.InitHostResolutionFailure (11 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.InitConnectionFailure [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.InitConnectionFailure (11 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.PendingRequests [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.PendingRequests (13 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.PendingRequests_NoKeepAlive [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.PendingRequests_NoKeepAlive (13 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.CancelRequestClearGroup [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.CancelRequestClearGroup (20 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.TwoRequestsCancelOne [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.TwoRequestsCancelOne (11 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.ConnectCancelConnect [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.ConnectCancelConnect (11 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.CancelRequest [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.CancelRequest (13 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.RequestTwice [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.RequestTwice (11 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.CancelActiveRequestWithPendingRequests [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.CancelActiveRequestWithPendingRequests (12 ms) [ RUN ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.FailingActiveRequestWithPendingRequests [ OK ] TCPClientSocketPoolTest.FailingActiveRequestWithPendingRequests (14 ms) [----------] 12 tests from TCPClientSocketPoolTest (158 ms total) [----------] 26 tests from ClientSocketPoolBaseTest [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.ConnectJob_NoTimeoutOnSynchronousCompletion [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.ConnectJob_NoTimeoutOnSynchronousCompletion (20 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.ConnectJob_TimedOut [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.ConnectJob_TimedOut (22 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.BasicSynchronous [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.BasicSynchronous (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.BasicAsynchronous [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.BasicAsynchronous (30 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.InitConnectionFailure [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.InitConnectionFailure (20 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.InitConnectionAsynchronousFailure [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.InitConnectionAsynchronousFailure (26 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TotalLimit [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TotalLimit (22 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TotalLimitReachedNewGroup [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TotalLimitReachedNewGroup (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TotalLimitRespectsPriority [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TotalLimitRespectsPriority (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TotalLimitRespectsGroupLimit [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TotalLimitRespectsGroupLimit (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TotalLimitCountsConnectingSockets [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TotalLimitCountsConnectingSockets (32 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.MayHaveStalledGroupReset [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.MayHaveStalledGroupReset (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.PendingRequests [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.PendingRequests (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.PendingRequests_NoKeepAlive [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.PendingRequests_NoKeepAlive (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.CancelRequestClearGroup [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.CancelRequestClearGroup (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TwoRequestsCancelOne [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.TwoRequestsCancelOne (27 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.ConnectCancelConnect [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.ConnectCancelConnect (24 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.CancelRequest [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.CancelRequest (22 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.RequestPendingJobTwice [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.RequestPendingJobTwice (36 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.RequestPendingJobThenSynchronous [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.RequestPendingJobThenSynchronous (25 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.CancelActiveRequestWithPendingRequests [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.CancelActiveRequestWithPendingRequests (25 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.FailingActiveRequestWithPendingRequests [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.FailingActiveRequestWithPendingRequests (35 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.CancelActiveRequestThenRequestSocket [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.CancelActiveRequestThenRequestSocket (24 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.PendingJobCompletionOrder [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.PendingJobCompletionOrder (24 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.ReleaseSockets [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.ReleaseSockets (24 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.GroupWithPendingRequestsIsNotEmpty [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest.GroupWithPendingRequestsIsNotEmpty (21 ms) [----------] 26 tests from ClientSocketPoolBaseTest (641 ms total) [----------] 22 tests from ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.ConnectJob_NoTimeoutOnSynchronousCompletion [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.ConnectJob_NoTimeoutOnSynchronousCompletion (20 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.ConnectJob_TimedOut [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.ConnectJob_TimedOut (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.BasicSynchronous [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.BasicSynchronous (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.BasicAsynchronous [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.BasicAsynchronous (24 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.InitConnectionFailure [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.InitConnectionFailure (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.InitConnectionAsynchronousFailure [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.InitConnectionAsynchronousFailure (22 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.PendingRequests [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.PendingRequests (22 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.PendingRequests_NoKeepAlive [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.PendingRequests_NoKeepAlive (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CancelRequestClearGroup [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CancelRequestClearGroup (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.TwoRequestsCancelOne [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.TwoRequestsCancelOne (26 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.ConnectCancelConnect [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.ConnectCancelConnect (23 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CancelRequest [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CancelRequest (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CancelRequestLimitsJobs [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CancelRequestLimitsJobs (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.RequestPendingJobTwice [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.RequestPendingJobTwice (33 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.RequestPendingJobThenSynchronous [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.RequestPendingJobThenSynchronous (25 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CancelActiveRequestWithPendingRequests [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CancelActiveRequestWithPendingRequests (23 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.FailingActiveRequestWithPendingRequests [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.FailingActiveRequestWithPendingRequests (35 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CancelActiveRequestThenRequestSocket [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CancelActiveRequestThenRequestSocket (23 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.ReleaseSockets [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.ReleaseSockets (23 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.PendingJobCompletionOrder [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.PendingJobCompletionOrder (27 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.GroupWithPendingRequestsIsNotEmpty [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.GroupWithPendingRequestsIsNotEmpty (21 ms) [ RUN ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CleanupTimedOutIdleSockets [ OK ] ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding.CleanupTimedOutIdleSockets (35 ms) [----------] 22 tests from ClientSocketPoolBaseTest_LateBinding (548 ms total) [----------] 1 test from SocketStreamTest [ RUN ] SocketStreamTest.BasicAuthProxy [ OK ] SocketStreamTest.BasicAuthProxy (3 ms) [----------] 1 test from SocketStreamTest (3 ms total) [----------] 1 test from FlipSessionTest [ RUN ] FlipSessionTest.FlipIOBuffer [ OK ] FlipSessionTest.FlipIOBuffer (8 ms) [----------] 1 test from FlipSessionTest (8 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from FlipNetworkTransactionTest [ RUN ] FlipNetworkTransactionTest.Constructor [ OK ] FlipNetworkTransactionTest.Constructor (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlipNetworkTransactionTest.Get [ OK ] FlipNetworkTransactionTest.Get (4 ms) [ RUN ] FlipNetworkTransactionTest.Post [ OK ] FlipNetworkTransactionTest.Post (4 ms) [ RUN ] FlipNetworkTransactionTest.ResponseWithoutSynReply [ OK ] FlipNetworkTransactionTest.ResponseWithoutSynReply (4 ms) [----------] 4 tests from FlipNetworkTransactionTest (14 ms total) [----------] 10 tests from FlipFramerTest [ RUN ] FlipFramerTest.ProtocolConstants [ OK ] FlipFramerTest.ProtocolConstants (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlipFramerTest.FrameStructs [ OK ] FlipFramerTest.FrameStructs (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlipFramerTest.DataFrameStructs [ OK ] FlipFramerTest.DataFrameStructs (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlipFramerTest.ControlFrameStructs [ OK ] FlipFramerTest.ControlFrameStructs (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlipFramerTest.HeaderBlock [ OK ] FlipFramerTest.HeaderBlock (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlipFramerTest.HeaderBlockBarfsOnOutOfOrderHeaders [ OK ] FlipFramerTest.HeaderBlockBarfsOnOutOfOrderHeaders (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlipFramerTest.BasicCompression [ OK ] FlipFramerTest.BasicCompression (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlipFramerTest.Basic [ OK ] FlipFramerTest.Basic (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlipFramerTest.FinOnDataFrame [ OK ] FlipFramerTest.FinOnDataFrame (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlipFramerTest.FinOnSynReplyFrame [ OK ] FlipFramerTest.FinOnSynReplyFrame (0 ms) [----------] 10 tests from FlipFramerTest (5 ms total) [----------] 21 tests from FileStreamTest [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.BasicOpenClose [ OK ] FileStreamTest.BasicOpenClose (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.UseFileHandle [ OK ] FileStreamTest.UseFileHandle (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.UseClosedStream [ OK ] FileStreamTest.UseClosedStream (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.BasicRead [ OK ] FileStreamTest.BasicRead (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.AsyncRead [ OK ] FileStreamTest.AsyncRead (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.AsyncRead_EarlyClose [ OK ] FileStreamTest.AsyncRead_EarlyClose (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.BasicRead_FromOffset [ OK ] FileStreamTest.BasicRead_FromOffset (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.AsyncRead_FromOffset [ OK ] FileStreamTest.AsyncRead_FromOffset (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.SeekAround [ OK ] FileStreamTest.SeekAround (0 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.BasicWrite [ OK ] FileStreamTest.BasicWrite (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.AsyncWrite [ OK ] FileStreamTest.AsyncWrite (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.AsyncWrite_EarlyClose [ OK ] FileStreamTest.AsyncWrite_EarlyClose (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.BasicWrite_FromOffset [ OK ] FileStreamTest.BasicWrite_FromOffset (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.AsyncWrite_FromOffset [ OK ] FileStreamTest.AsyncWrite_FromOffset (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.BasicReadWrite [ OK ] FileStreamTest.BasicReadWrite (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.BasicWriteRead [ OK ] FileStreamTest.BasicWriteRead (0 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.BasicAsyncReadWrite [ OK ] FileStreamTest.BasicAsyncReadWrite (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.BasicAsyncWriteRead [ OK ] FileStreamTest.BasicAsyncWriteRead (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.AsyncWriteRead [ OK ] FileStreamTest.AsyncWriteRead (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.AsyncWriteClose [ OK ] FileStreamTest.AsyncWriteClose (1 ms) [ RUN ] FileStreamTest.Truncate [ OK ] FileStreamTest.Truncate (1 ms) [----------] 21 tests from FileStreamTest (28 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from DNSUtilTest [ RUN ] DNSUtilTest.DNSDomainFromDot [ OK ] DNSUtilTest.DNSDomainFromDot (0 ms) [ RUN ] DNSUtilTest.STD3ASCII [ OK ] DNSUtilTest.STD3ASCII (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from DNSUtilTest (1 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from StrictTransportSecurityStateTest [ RUN ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.BogusHeaders [ OK ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.BogusHeaders (1 ms) [ RUN ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.ValidHeaders [ OK ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.ValidHeaders (1 ms) [ RUN ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.SimpleMatches [ OK ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.SimpleMatches (0 ms) [ RUN ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.MatchesCase1 [ OK ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.MatchesCase1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.MatchesCase2 [ OK ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.MatchesCase2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.SubdomainMatches [ OK ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.SubdomainMatches (0 ms) [ RUN ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.Serialise1 [ OK ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.Serialise1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.Serialise2 [ OK ] StrictTransportSecurityStateTest.Serialise2 (2 ms) [----------] 8 tests from StrictTransportSecurityStateTest (10 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from TelnetServerTest [ RUN ] TelnetServerTest.ServerClientSend fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] TelnetServerTest.ServerClientSend (14 ms) [ RUN ] TelnetServerTest.ClientSendLong fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] TelnetServerTest.ClientSendLong (52 ms) [ RUN ] TelnetServerTest.ServerSend fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] TelnetServerTest.ServerSend (24 ms) [----------] 3 tests from TelnetServerTest (93 ms total) [----------] 1 test from WinInetUtilTest [ RUN ] WinInetUtilTest.ErrorCodeConversion [ OK ] WinInetUtilTest.ErrorCodeConversion (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from WinInetUtilTest (0 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from CookiePolicyTest [ RUN ] CookiePolicyTest.DefaultPolicyTest [ OK ] CookiePolicyTest.DefaultPolicyTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookiePolicyTest.AllowAllCookiesTest [ OK ] CookiePolicyTest.AllowAllCookiesTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookiePolicyTest.BlockThirdPartyCookiesTest [ OK ] CookiePolicyTest.BlockThirdPartyCookiesTest (40 ms) [ RUN ] CookiePolicyTest.BlockAllCookiesTest [ OK ] CookiePolicyTest.BlockAllCookiesTest (0 ms) [----------] 4 tests from CookiePolicyTest (42 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from RegistryControlledDomainTest [ RUN ] RegistryControlledDomainTest.TestParsing [ OK ] RegistryControlledDomainTest.TestParsing (44 ms) [ RUN ] RegistryControlledDomainTest.TestGetDomainAndRegistry [ OK ] RegistryControlledDomainTest.TestGetDomainAndRegistry (44 ms) [ RUN ] RegistryControlledDomainTest.TestGetRegistryLength [ OK ] RegistryControlledDomainTest.TestGetRegistryLength (36 ms) [ RUN ] RegistryControlledDomainTest.TestSameDomainOrHost [ OK ] RegistryControlledDomainTest.TestSameDomainOrHost (35 ms) [ RUN ] RegistryControlledDomainTest.TestDefaultData [ OK ] RegistryControlledDomainTest.TestDefaultData (35 ms) [----------] 5 tests from RegistryControlledDomainTest (197 ms total) [----------] 17 tests from ParsedCookieTest [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.TestBasic [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.TestBasic (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.TestQuoted [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.TestQuoted (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.TestNameless [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.TestNameless (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.TestAttributeCase [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.TestAttributeCase (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.TestDoubleQuotedNameless [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.TestDoubleQuotedNameless (1 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.QuoteOffTheEnd [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.QuoteOffTheEnd (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.MissingName [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.MissingName (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.MissingValue [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.MissingValue (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.Whitespace [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.Whitespace (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.MultipleEquals [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.MultipleEquals (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.QuotedTrailingWhitespace [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.QuotedTrailingWhitespace (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.TrailingWhitespace [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.TrailingWhitespace (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.TooManyPairs [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.TooManyPairs (1 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.InvalidWhitespace [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.InvalidWhitespace (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.InvalidTooLong [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.InvalidTooLong (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.InvalidEmpty [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.InvalidEmpty (0 ms) [ RUN ] ParsedCookieTest.EmbeddedTerminator [ OK ] ParsedCookieTest.EmbeddedTerminator (0 ms) [----------] 17 tests from ParsedCookieTest (10 ms total) [----------] 27 tests from CookieMonsterTest [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.DomainTest [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.DomainTest (1 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.DomainWithTrailingDotTest [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.DomainWithTrailingDotTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.ValidSubdomainTest [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.ValidSubdomainTest (1 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.InvalidDomainTest [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.InvalidDomainTest (2 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.DomainWithoutLeadingDotTest [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.DomainWithoutLeadingDotTest (1 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.CaseInsensitiveDomainTest [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.CaseInsensitiveDomainTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestIpAddress [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestIpAddress (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestNonDottedAndTLD [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestNonDottedAndTLD (1 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestHostEndsWithDot [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestHostEndsWithDot (1 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.InvalidScheme [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.InvalidScheme (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.InvalidScheme_Read [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.InvalidScheme_Read (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.PathTest [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.PathTest (1 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.HttpOnlyTest [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.HttpOnlyTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestCookieDateParsing [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestCookieDateParsing (2 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestCookieDeletion [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestCookieDeletion (2 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestCookieDeleteAll [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestCookieDeleteAll (1 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestCookieDeleteAllCreatedAfterTimestamp [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestCookieDeleteAllCreatedAfterTimestamp (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestCookieDeleteAllCreatedBetweenTimestamps [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestCookieDeleteAllCreatedBetweenTimestamps (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestSecure [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestSecure (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestLastAccess [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestLastAccess (40 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestHostGarbageCollection [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestHostGarbageCollection (79 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestTotalGarbageCollection [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestTotalGarbageCollection (1523 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.NetUtilCookieTest [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.NetUtilCookieTest (1 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.TestDeleteSingleCookie [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.TestDeleteSingleCookie (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.SetCookieableSchemes [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.SetCookieableSchemes (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.GetRawCookies [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.GetRawCookies (0 ms) [ RUN ] CookieMonsterTest.DeleteCookieByName [ OK ] CookieMonsterTest.DeleteCookieByName (1 ms) [----------] 27 tests from CookieMonsterTest (1671 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from LoadLogUtilTest [ RUN ] LoadLogUtilTest.Basic [ OK ] LoadLogUtilTest.Basic (0 ms) [ RUN ] LoadLogUtilTest.UnmatchedOpen [ OK ] LoadLogUtilTest.UnmatchedOpen (1 ms) [----------] 2 tests from LoadLogUtilTest (1 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from HostCacheTest [ RUN ] HostCacheTest.Basic [ OK ] HostCacheTest.Basic (1 ms) [ RUN ] HostCacheTest.NegativeEntry [ OK ] HostCacheTest.NegativeEntry (0 ms) [ RUN ] HostCacheTest.Compact [ OK ] HostCacheTest.Compact (1 ms) [ RUN ] HostCacheTest.SetWithCompact [ OK ] HostCacheTest.SetWithCompact (0 ms) [ RUN ] HostCacheTest.AddressFamilyIsPartOfKey [ OK ] HostCacheTest.AddressFamilyIsPartOfKey (1 ms) [ RUN ] HostCacheTest.NoCache [ OK ] HostCacheTest.NoCache (0 ms) [ RUN ] HostCacheTest.KeyComparators [ OK ] HostCacheTest.KeyComparators (0 ms) [----------] 7 tests from HostCacheTest (4 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from FilterTest [ RUN ] FilterTest.ContentTypeId [ OK ] FilterTest.ContentTypeId (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterTest.ApacheGzip [ OK ] FilterTest.ApacheGzip (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterTest.SdchEncoding [ OK ] FilterTest.SdchEncoding (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterTest.MissingSdchEncoding [ OK ] FilterTest.MissingSdchEncoding (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterTest.Svgz [ OK ] FilterTest.Svgz (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterTest.UnsupportedMimeGzip [ OK ] FilterTest.UnsupportedMimeGzip (1 ms) [ RUN ] FilterTest.SupportedMimeGzip [ OK ] FilterTest.SupportedMimeGzip (0 ms) [----------] 7 tests from FilterTest (4 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from Escape [ RUN ] Escape.EscapeTextForFormSubmission [ OK ] Escape.EscapeTextForFormSubmission (471 ms) [ RUN ] Escape.EscapePath [ OK ] Escape.EscapePath (0 ms) [ RUN ] Escape.EscapeUrlEncodedData [ OK ] Escape.EscapeUrlEncodedData (1 ms) [ RUN ] Escape.UnescapeURLComponent [ OK ] Escape.UnescapeURLComponent (1 ms) [ RUN ] Escape.UnescapeAndDecodeURLComponent [ OK ] Escape.UnescapeAndDecodeURLComponent (1 ms) [ RUN ] Escape.EscapeForHTML [ OK ] Escape.EscapeForHTML (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from Escape (478 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from LoadLogTest [ RUN ] LoadLogTest.Nullable [ OK ] LoadLogTest.Nullable (0 ms) [ RUN ] LoadLogTest.Basic [ OK ] LoadLogTest.Basic (0 ms) [ RUN ] LoadLogTest.Truncation [ OK ] LoadLogTest.Truncation (0 ms) [ RUN ] LoadLogTest.Append [ OK ] LoadLogTest.Append (0 ms) [ RUN ] LoadLogTest.AppendWithTruncation [ OK ] LoadLogTest.AppendWithTruncation (0 ms) [ RUN ] LoadLogTest.EventTypeToString [ OK ] LoadLogTest.EventTypeToString (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from LoadLogTest (3 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from MimeUtilTest [ RUN ] MimeUtilTest.ExtensionTest [ OK ] MimeUtilTest.ExtensionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] MimeUtilTest.FileTest [ OK ] MimeUtilTest.FileTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] MimeUtilTest.LookupTypes [ OK ] MimeUtilTest.LookupTypes (0 ms) [ RUN ] MimeUtilTest.MatchesMimeType [ OK ] MimeUtilTest.MatchesMimeType (0 ms) [ RUN ] MimeUtilTest.ParseCodecString [ OK ] MimeUtilTest.ParseCodecString (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from MimeUtilTest (3 ms total) [----------] 10 tests from BZip2FilterUnitTest [ RUN ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeBZip2 [ OK ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeBZip2 (23 ms) [ RUN ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithSmallInputBuffer [ OK ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithSmallInputBuffer (23 ms) [ RUN ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithSmallOutputBuffer [ OK ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithSmallOutputBuffer (23 ms) [ RUN ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithOneByteInputBuffer [ OK ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithOneByteInputBuffer (23 ms) [ RUN ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithOneByteInputAndOutputBuffer [ OK ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithOneByteInputAndOutputBuffer (24 ms) [ RUN ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeCorruptedData [ OK ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeCorruptedData (31 ms) [ RUN ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeMissingData [ OK ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeMissingData (23 ms) [ RUN ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeCorruptedHeader [ OK ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeCorruptedHeader (17 ms) [ RUN ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithExtraDataAndSmallOutputBuffer [ OK ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithExtraDataAndSmallOutputBuffer (23 ms) [ RUN ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithExtraDataAndSmallInputBuffer [ OK ] BZip2FilterUnitTest.DecodeWithExtraDataAndSmallInputBuffer (22 ms) [----------] 10 tests from BZip2FilterUnitTest (238 ms total) [----------] 1 test from Base64Test [ RUN ] Base64Test.Basic [ OK ] Base64Test.Basic (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from Base64Test (1 ms total) [----------] 22 tests from NetUtilTest [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.FileURLConversion [ OK ] NetUtilTest.FileURLConversion (3 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.GetIdentityFromURL [ OK ] NetUtilTest.GetIdentityFromURL (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.GetIdentityFromURL_UTF8 [ OK ] NetUtilTest.GetIdentityFromURL_UTF8 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.GetSpecificHeader [ OK ] NetUtilTest.GetSpecificHeader (2 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.GetHeaderParamValue [ OK ] NetUtilTest.GetHeaderParamValue (6 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.GetFileNameFromCD [ OK ] NetUtilTest.GetFileNameFromCD (6 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.IDNToUnicodeFast [ OK ] NetUtilTest.IDNToUnicodeFast (140 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.IDNToUnicodeSlow [ OK ] NetUtilTest.IDNToUnicodeSlow (200 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.CompliantHost [ OK ] NetUtilTest.CompliantHost (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.StripWWW [ OK ] NetUtilTest.StripWWW (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.GetSuggestedFilename [ OK ] NetUtilTest.GetSuggestedFilename (4 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.GetDirectoryListingEntry [ OK ] NetUtilTest.GetDirectoryListingEntry (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.ParseHostAndPort [ OK ] NetUtilTest.ParseHostAndPort (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.GetHostAndPort [ OK ] NetUtilTest.GetHostAndPort (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.GetHostAndOptionalPort [ OK ] NetUtilTest.GetHostAndOptionalPort (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.NetAddressToString_IPv4 [ OK ] NetUtilTest.NetAddressToString_IPv4 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.NetAddressToString_IPv6 [ OK ] NetUtilTest.NetAddressToString_IPv6 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.GetHostName [ OK ] NetUtilTest.GetHostName (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.FormatUrl [ OK ] NetUtilTest.FormatUrl (4 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.FormatUrlParsed [ OK ] NetUtilTest.FormatUrlParsed (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.SimplifyUrlForRequest [ OK ] NetUtilTest.SimplifyUrlForRequest (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetUtilTest.SetExplicitlyAllowedPortsTest [ OK ] NetUtilTest.SetExplicitlyAllowedPortsTest (0 ms) [----------] 22 tests from NetUtilTest (377 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from X509CertificateTest [ RUN ] X509CertificateTest.GoogleCertParsing [ OK ] X509CertificateTest.GoogleCertParsing (2 ms) [ RUN ] X509CertificateTest.WebkitCertParsing [ OK ] X509CertificateTest.WebkitCertParsing (2 ms) [ RUN ] X509CertificateTest.ThawteCertParsing [ OK ] X509CertificateTest.ThawteCertParsing (2 ms) [ RUN ] X509CertificateTest.Cache [ OK ] X509CertificateTest.Cache (2 ms) [ RUN ] X509CertificateTest.Pickle [ OK ] X509CertificateTest.Pickle (16 ms) [ RUN ] X509CertificateTest.Policy [ OK ] X509CertificateTest.Policy (3 ms) [----------] 6 tests from X509CertificateTest (30 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from AddressListTest [ RUN ] AddressListTest.GetPort [ OK ] AddressListTest.GetPort (0 ms) [ RUN ] AddressListTest.Assignment [ OK ] AddressListTest.Assignment (0 ms) [ RUN ] AddressListTest.Copy [ OK ] AddressListTest.Copy (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from AddressListTest (1 ms total) [----------] 14 tests from HostResolverImplTest [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.SynchronousLookup [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.SynchronousLookup (0 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.AsynchronousLookup [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.AsynchronousLookup (0 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.CanceledAsynchronousLookup [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.CanceledAsynchronousLookup (1003 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.NumericIPv4Address [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.NumericIPv4Address (0 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.NumericIPv6Address [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.NumericIPv6Address (0 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.EmptyHost [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.EmptyHost (0 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.DeDupeRequests [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.DeDupeRequests (0 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.CancelMultipleRequests [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.CancelMultipleRequests (0 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.CancelWithinCallback [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.CancelWithinCallback (1 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.DeleteWithinCallback [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.DeleteWithinCallback (1 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.StartWithinCallback [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.StartWithinCallback (1 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.BypassCache [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.BypassCache (1 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.Observers [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.Observers (1 ms) [ RUN ] HostResolverImplTest.CancellationObserver [ OK ] HostResolverImplTest.CancellationObserver (1 ms) [----------] 14 tests from HostResolverImplTest (1015 ms total) [----------] 9 tests from GZipUnitTest [ RUN ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeDeflate [ OK ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeDeflate (1 ms) [ RUN ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeGZip [ OK ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeGZip (1 ms) [ RUN ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeWithSmallBuffer [ OK ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeWithSmallBuffer (1 ms) [ RUN ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeWithOneByteBuffer [ OK ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeWithOneByteBuffer (2 ms) [ RUN ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeWithSmallOutputBuffer [ OK ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeWithSmallOutputBuffer (1 ms) [ RUN ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeWithOneByteInputAndOutputBuffer [ OK ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeWithOneByteInputAndOutputBuffer (3 ms) [ RUN ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeCorruptedData [ OK ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeCorruptedData (1 ms) [ RUN ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeMissingData [ OK ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeMissingData (2 ms) [ RUN ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeCorruptedHeader [ OK ] GZipUnitTest.DecodeCorruptedHeader (2 ms) [----------] 9 tests from GZipUnitTest (20 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from SSLClientAuthCacheTest [ RUN ] SSLClientAuthCacheTest.LookupAddRemove [ OK ] SSLClientAuthCacheTest.LookupAddRemove (0 ms) [ RUN ] SSLClientAuthCacheTest.LookupWithPort [ OK ] SSLClientAuthCacheTest.LookupWithPort (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from SSLClientAuthCacheTest (1 ms total) [----------] 9 tests from MimeSnifferTest [ RUN ] MimeSnifferTest.BoundaryConditionsTest [ OK ] MimeSnifferTest.BoundaryConditionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] MimeSnifferTest.BasicSniffingTest [ OK ] MimeSnifferTest.BasicSniffingTest (1 ms) [ RUN ] MimeSnifferTest.ChromeExtensionsTest [ OK ] MimeSnifferTest.ChromeExtensionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] MimeSnifferTest.MozillaCompatibleTest [ OK ] MimeSnifferTest.MozillaCompatibleTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] MimeSnifferTest.DontAllowPrivilegeEscalationTest [ OK ] MimeSnifferTest.DontAllowPrivilegeEscalationTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] MimeSnifferTest.UnicodeTest [ OK ] MimeSnifferTest.UnicodeTest (1 ms) [ RUN ] MimeSnifferTest.FlashTest [ OK ] MimeSnifferTest.FlashTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] MimeSnifferTest.XMLTest [ OK ] MimeSnifferTest.XMLTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] MimeSnifferTest.XMLTestLargeNoAngledBracket [ OK ] MimeSnifferTest.XMLTestLargeNoAngledBracket (0 ms) [----------] 9 tests from MimeSnifferTest (7 ms total) [----------] 40 tests from SdchFilterTest [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.Hashing [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.Hashing (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.EmptyInputOk [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.EmptyInputOk (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.PassThroughWhenTentative [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.PassThroughWhenTentative (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.RefreshBadReturnCode [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.RefreshBadReturnCode (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.ErrorOnBadReturnCode [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.ErrorOnBadReturnCode (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.ErrorOnBadReturnCodeWithHtml [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.ErrorOnBadReturnCodeWithHtml (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.BasicBadDictionary [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.BasicBadDictionary (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.DictionaryAddOnce [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.DictionaryAddOnce (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.BasicDictionary [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.BasicDictionary (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.NoDecodeHttps [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.NoDecodeHttps (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.NoDecodeFtp [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.NoDecodeFtp (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.NoDecodeFileColon [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.NoDecodeFileColon (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.NoDecodeAboutColon [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.NoDecodeAboutColon (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.NoDecodeJavaScript [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.NoDecodeJavaScript (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.CanStillDecodeHttp [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.CanStillDecodeHttp (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.CrossDomainDictionaryUse [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.CrossDomainDictionaryUse (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.DictionaryPathValidation [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.DictionaryPathValidation (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.DictionaryPortValidation [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.DictionaryPortValidation (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.FilterChaining [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.FilterChaining (2 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.DefaultGzipIfSdch [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.DefaultGzipIfSdch (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.AcceptGzipSdchIfGzip [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.AcceptGzipSdchIfGzip (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.DefaultSdchGzipIfEmpty [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.DefaultSdchGzipIfEmpty (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.AcceptGzipGzipSdchIfGzip [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.AcceptGzipGzipSdchIfGzip (2 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.DomainSupported [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.DomainSupported (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.DomainBlacklisting [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.DomainBlacklisting (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.DomainBlacklistingCaseSensitivity [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.DomainBlacklistingCaseSensitivity (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.BlacklistingReset [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.BlacklistingReset (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.BlacklistingSingleBlacklist [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.BlacklistingSingleBlacklist (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.BlacklistingExponential [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.BlacklistingExponential (12 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.CanSetExactMatchDictionary [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.CanSetExactMatchDictionary (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.FailToSetDomainMismatchDictionary [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.FailToSetDomainMismatchDictionary (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.FailToSetDotHostPrefixDomainDictionary [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.FailToSetDotHostPrefixDomainDictionary (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.FailToSetRepeatPrefixWithDotDictionary [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.FailToSetRepeatPrefixWithDotDictionary (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.CanSetLeadingDotDomainDictionary [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.CanSetLeadingDotDomainDictionary (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.CanStillSetExactMatchDictionary [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.CanStillSetExactMatchDictionary (1 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.TooManyDictionaries [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.TooManyDictionaries (5 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.DictionaryNotTooLarge [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.DictionaryNotTooLarge (30 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.DictionaryTooLarge [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.DictionaryTooLarge (26 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.PathMatch [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.PathMatch (0 ms) [ RUN ] SdchFilterTest.LatencyTestControls [ OK ] SdchFilterTest.LatencyTestControls (0 ms) [----------] 40 tests from SdchFilterTest (112 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from SSLConfigServiceWinTest [ RUN ] SSLConfigServiceWinTest.GetNowTest [ OK ] SSLConfigServiceWinTest.GetNowTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] SSLConfigServiceWinTest.SetTest [ OK ] SSLConfigServiceWinTest.SetTest (1 ms) [ RUN ] SSLConfigServiceWinTest.GetTest [ OK ] SSLConfigServiceWinTest.GetTest (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from SSLConfigServiceWinTest (2 ms total) [----------] 1 test from TestCompletionCallbackTest [ RUN ] TestCompletionCallbackTest.Simple [ OK ] TestCompletionCallbackTest.Simple (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from TestCompletionCallbackTest (1 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from DirectoryListerTest [ RUN ] DirectoryListerTest.BigDirTest [ OK ] DirectoryListerTest.BigDirTest (2 ms) [ RUN ] DirectoryListerTest.CancelTest [ OK ] DirectoryListerTest.CancelTest (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from DirectoryListerTest (3 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from ListenSocketTest [ RUN ] ListenSocketTest.ClientSend fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] ListenSocketTest.ClientSend (2 ms) [ RUN ] ListenSocketTest.ClientSendLong fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] ListenSocketTest.ClientSendLong (3 ms) [ RUN ] ListenSocketTest.ServerSend fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] ListenSocketTest.ServerSend (12 ms) [----------] 3 tests from ListenSocketTest (17 ms total) [----------] 1 test from DataURLTest [ RUN ] DataURLTest.Parse [ OK ] DataURLTest.Parse (1 ms) [----------] 1 test from DataURLTest (2 ms total) [----------] 9 tests from InitProxyResolverTest [ RUN ] InitProxyResolverTest.CustomPacSucceeds [ OK ] InitProxyResolverTest.CustomPacSucceeds (1 ms) [ RUN ] InitProxyResolverTest.CustomPacFails1 [ OK ] InitProxyResolverTest.CustomPacFails1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] InitProxyResolverTest.CustomPacFails2 [ OK ] InitProxyResolverTest.CustomPacFails2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectSuccess [ OK ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectSuccess (0 ms) [ RUN ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectFailCustomSuccess1 [ OK ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectFailCustomSuccess1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectFailCustomSuccess2 [ OK ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectFailCustomSuccess2 (1 ms) [ RUN ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectFailCustomFails1 [ OK ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectFailCustomFails1 (1 ms) [ RUN ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectFailCustomFails2 [ OK ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectFailCustomFails2 (1 ms) [ RUN ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectFailCustomSuccess2_NoFetch [ OK ] InitProxyResolverTest.AutodetectFailCustomSuccess2_NoFetch (0 ms) [----------] 9 tests from InitProxyResolverTest (9 ms total) [----------] 15 tests from ProxyResolverV8Test [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.Direct [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.Direct (38 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.ReturnEmptyString [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.ReturnEmptyString (39 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.Basic [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.Basic (107 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.BadReturnType [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.BadReturnType (203 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.NoEntryPoint [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.NoEntryPoint (42 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.ParseError [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.ParseError (71 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.SideEffects [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.SideEffects (89 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.UnhandledException [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.UnhandledException (50 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.JavascriptLibrary [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.JavascriptLibrary (218 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.NoSetPacScript [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.NoSetPacScript (105 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.V8Bindings [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.V8Bindings (59 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.LoadLog [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.LoadLog (60 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.EndsWithCommentNoNewline [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.EndsWithCommentNoNewline (52 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.EndsWithStatementNoNewline [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.EndsWithStatementNoNewline (53 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverV8Test.DNSResolutionFailure [ OK ] ProxyResolverV8Test.DNSResolutionFailure (55 ms) [----------] 15 tests from ProxyResolverV8Test (1249 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from ProxyResolverJSBindingsTest [ RUN ] ProxyResolverJSBindingsTest.DnsResolve [ OK ] ProxyResolverJSBindingsTest.DnsResolve (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverJSBindingsTest.MyIpAddress [ OK ] ProxyResolverJSBindingsTest.MyIpAddress (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverJSBindingsTest.RestrictAddressFamily [ OK ] ProxyResolverJSBindingsTest.RestrictAddressFamily (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyResolverJSBindingsTest.ExFunctionsReturnList [ OK ] ProxyResolverJSBindingsTest.ExFunctionsReturnList (0 ms) [----------] 4 tests from ProxyResolverJSBindingsTest (3 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from SingleThreadedProxyResolverTest [ RUN ] SingleThreadedProxyResolverTest.Basic [ OK ] SingleThreadedProxyResolverTest.Basic (2 ms) [ RUN ] SingleThreadedProxyResolverTest.CancelRequest [ OK ] SingleThreadedProxyResolverTest.CancelRequest (2 ms) [ RUN ] SingleThreadedProxyResolverTest.CancelRequestByDeleting [ OK ] SingleThreadedProxyResolverTest.CancelRequestByDeleting (101 ms) [ RUN ] SingleThreadedProxyResolverTest.CancelSetPacScript [ OK ] SingleThreadedProxyResolverTest.CancelSetPacScript (1 ms) [----------] 4 tests from SingleThreadedProxyResolverTest (107 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from ProxyListTest [ RUN ] ProxyListTest.SetFromPacString [ OK ] ProxyListTest.SetFromPacString (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyListTest.RemoveProxiesWithoutScheme [ OK ] ProxyListTest.RemoveProxiesWithoutScheme (1 ms) [----------] 2 tests from ProxyListTest (2 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from ProxyConfigTest [ RUN ] ProxyConfigTest.Equals [ OK ] ProxyConfigTest.Equals (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyConfigTest.ParseProxyRules [ OK ] ProxyConfigTest.ParseProxyRules (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyConfigTest.ParseProxyBypassList [ OK ] ProxyConfigTest.ParseProxyBypassList (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyConfigTest.ToString [ OK ] ProxyConfigTest.ToString (1 ms) [----------] 4 tests from ProxyConfigTest (4 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from ProxyScriptFetcherTest [ RUN ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.FileUrl fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1bc99f8, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1bc9948, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.FileUrl (3 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.HttpMimeType fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1bca330, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported .\proxy\ error: Value of: callback.WaitForResult() Actual: -326 Expected: OK Which is: 0 .\proxy\ error: Value of: bytes Actual: "" Expected: "-pac.txt-\n" Which is: "-pac.txt- " fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1bca330, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported .\proxy\ error: Value of: callback.WaitForResult() Actual: -326 Expected: OK Which is: 0 .\proxy\ error: Value of: bytes Actual: "" Expected: "-pac.html-\n" Which is: "-pac.html- " fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1bca330, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported .\proxy\ error: Value of: callback.WaitForResult() Actual: -326 Expected: OK Which is: 0 .\proxy\ error: Value of: bytes Actual: "" Expected: "-pac.nsproxy-\n" Which is: "-pac.nsproxy- " [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.HttpMimeType (567 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.HttpStatusCode fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1b90be0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1b90be0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.HttpStatusCode (44 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.ContentDisposition fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1b90be0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported .\proxy\ error: Value of: callback.WaitForResult() Actual: -326 Expected: OK Which is: 0 .\proxy\ error: Value of: bytes Actual: "" Expected: "-downloadable.pac-\n" Which is: "-downloadable.pac- " [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.ContentDisposition (33 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.NoCache fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1b901e8, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported .\proxy\ error: Value of: callback.WaitForResult() Actual: -326 Expected: OK Which is: 0 .\proxy\ error: Value of: bytes Actual: "" Expected: "-cacheable_1hr.pac-\n" Which is: "-cacheable_1hr.pac- " fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1b901e8, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported .\proxy\ error: Value of: callback.WaitForResult() Actual: -326 Expected: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED Which is: -102 [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.NoCache (47 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.TooLarge fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1bca778, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported .\proxy\ error: Value of: callback.WaitForResult() Actual: -326 Expected: ERR_FILE_TOO_BIG Which is: -8 fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1b901e8, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1b901e8, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported .\proxy\ error: Value of: callback.WaitForResult() Actual: -326 Expected: OK Which is: 0 .\proxy\ error: Value of: bytes Actual: "" Expected: "-pac.nsproxy-\n" Which is: "-pac.nsproxy- " [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.TooLarge (50 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.Hang fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1b97f00, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1b97f00, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported .\proxy\ error: Value of: callback.WaitForResult() Actual: -326 Expected: OK Which is: 0 .\proxy\ error: Value of: bytes Actual: "" Expected: "-pac.nsproxy-\n" Which is: "-pac.nsproxy- " [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.Hang (538 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.Encodings fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1b99030, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported .\proxy\ error: Value of: callback.WaitForResult() Actual: -326 Expected: OK Which is: 0 .\proxy\ error: Value of: bytes Actual: "" Expected: "This data was gzipped.\n" Which is: "This data was gzipped. " fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1b99030, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported .\proxy\ error: Value of: callback.WaitForResult() Actual: -326 Expected: OK Which is: 0 .\proxy\ error: Value of: bytes Actual: "" Expected: "This was encoded as UTF-16BE.\n" Which is: "This was encoded as UTF-16BE. " [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.Encodings (39 ms) [----------] 8 tests from ProxyScriptFetcherTest (1325 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from ProxyServerTest [ RUN ] ProxyServerTest.FromURI [ OK ] ProxyServerTest.FromURI (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServerTest.DefaultConstructor [ OK ] ProxyServerTest.DefaultConstructor (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServerTest.Direct [ OK ] ProxyServerTest.Direct (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServerTest.Invalid [ OK ] ProxyServerTest.Invalid (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServerTest.Whitespace [ OK ] ProxyServerTest.Whitespace (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServerTest.FromPACString [ OK ] ProxyServerTest.FromPACString (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServerTest.FromPACStringInvalid [ OK ] ProxyServerTest.FromPACStringInvalid (0 ms) [----------] 7 tests from ProxyServerTest (4 ms total) [----------] 23 tests from ProxyServiceTest [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.Direct [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.Direct (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.PAC [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.PAC (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.PAC_NoIdentityOrHash [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.PAC_NoIdentityOrHash (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.PAC_FailoverToDirect [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.PAC_FailoverToDirect (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyResolverFails [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyResolverFails (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyFallback [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyFallback (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyFallback_NewSettings [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyFallback_NewSettings (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyFallback_BadConfig [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyFallback_BadConfig (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyBypassList [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyBypassList (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyBypassListWithPorts [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.ProxyBypassListWithPorts (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.PerProtocolProxyTests [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.PerProtocolProxyTests (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.DefaultProxyFallbackToSOCKS [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.DefaultProxyFallbackToSOCKS (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.CancelInProgressRequest [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.CancelInProgressRequest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.InitialPACScriptDownload [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.InitialPACScriptDownload (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.CancelWhilePACFetching [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.CancelWhilePACFetching (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.FallbackFromAutodetectToCustomPac [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.FallbackFromAutodetectToCustomPac (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.FallbackFromAutodetectToCustomPac2 [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.FallbackFromAutodetectToCustomPac2 (2 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.FallbackFromAutodetectToCustomToManual [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.FallbackFromAutodetectToCustomToManual (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.BypassDoesntApplyToPac [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.BypassDoesntApplyToPac (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.ResetProxyConfigService [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.ResetProxyConfigService (0 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.IsLocalName [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.IsLocalName (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.UpdateConfigAfterFailedAutodetect [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.UpdateConfigAfterFailedAutodetect (1 ms) [ RUN ] ProxyServiceTest.UpdateConfigFromPACToDirect [ OK ] ProxyServiceTest.UpdateConfigFromPACToDirect (0 ms) [----------] 23 tests from ProxyServiceTest (27 ms total) [----------] 1 test from ProxyConfigServiceWinTest [ RUN ] ProxyConfigServiceWinTest.SetFromIEConfig [ OK ] ProxyConfigServiceWinTest.SetFromIEConfig (1 ms) [----------] 1 test from ProxyConfigServiceWinTest (1 ms total) [----------] 29 tests from URLRequestTestHTTP fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.ProxyTunnelRedirectTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.ProxyTunnelRedirectTest (5 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.UnexpectedServerAuthTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.UnexpectedServerAuthTest (5 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.GetTest_NoCache fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.GetTest_NoCache (16 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.GetTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.GetTest (15 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa30, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelTest (2 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelTest2 fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelTest2 (16 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelTest3 fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelTest3 (16 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelTest4 fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelTest4 (1 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelTest5 fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa14, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f634, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelTest5 (11 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.PostTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f0, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.PostTest (376 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.PostEmptyTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.PostEmptyTest (7 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.PostFileTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.PostFileTest (8 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.ResponseHeadersTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.ResponseHeadersTest (15 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.ContentTypeNormalizationTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.ContentTypeNormalizationTest (23 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.RestrictRedirects fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.RestrictRedirects (13 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.RedirectToInvalidURL fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.RedirectToInvalidURL (36 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.NoUserPassInReferrer fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.NoUserPassInReferrer (11 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelRedirect fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelRedirect (14 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.DeferredRedirect fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.DeferredRedirect (27 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelDeferredRedirect fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.CancelDeferredRedirect (14 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.VaryHeader fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa14, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f644, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f264, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.VaryHeader (25 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.BasicAuth fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa14, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f634, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.BasicAuth (78 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.BasicAuthWithCookies fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9a8, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f488, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.BasicAuthWithCookies (69 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.Post302RedirectGet fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa0c, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.Post302RedirectGet (30 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.Post307RedirectPost fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa0c, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.Post307RedirectPost (47 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.DefaultAcceptLanguage fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.DefaultAcceptLanguage (13 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.OverrideAcceptLanguage fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.OverrideAcceptLanguage (14 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.DefaultAcceptCharset fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.DefaultAcceptCharset (13 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestHTTP.OverrideAcceptCharset fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestHTTP.OverrideAcceptCharset (20 ms) [----------] 29 tests from URLRequestTestHTTP (953 ms total) [----------] 22 tests from URLRequestTest [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.QuitTest fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x1bb7120, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTest.QuitTest (1551 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.AboutBlankTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa30, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.AboutBlankTest (8 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.DataURLImageTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa30, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.DataURLImageTest (4 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.FileTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f99c, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.FileTest (278 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.FileTestFullSpecifiedRange fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f918, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.FileTestFullSpecifiedRange (2 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.FileTestHalfSpecifiedRange fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f918, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.FileTestHalfSpecifiedRange (2 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.FileTestMultipleRanges fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f94c, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.FileTestMultipleRanges (21 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.InvalidUrlTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa30, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.InvalidUrlTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.ResolveShortcutTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f974, (nil)) stub! fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub [ OK ] URLRequestTest.ResolveShortcutTest (33 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.FileDirCancelTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa08, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.FileDirCancelTest (8 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.FileDirRedirectNoCrash fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa08, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.FileDirRedirectNoCrash (28 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.DoNotSendCookies fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa08, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f638, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f258, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTest.DoNotSendCookies (62 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.DoNotSaveCookies fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa08, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f62c, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f25c, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTest.DoNotSaveCookies (58 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.Intercept fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f948, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.Intercept (0 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRedirect fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f948, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRedirect (1 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.InterceptServerError fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f948, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.InterceptServerError (1 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.InterceptNetworkError fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f948, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.InterceptNetworkError (1 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRestartRequired fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f948, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRestartRequired (0 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRespectsCancelMain fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f948, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRespectsCancelMain (0 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRespectsCancelRedirect fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f948, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRespectsCancelRedirect (1 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRespectsCancelFinal fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f948, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRespectsCancelFinal (1 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRespectsCancelInRestart fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f948, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTest.InterceptRespectsCancelInRestart (0 ms) [----------] 22 tests from URLRequestTest (2071 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from HTTPSRequestTest [ RUN ] HTTPSRequestTest.HTTPSGetTest err:menubuilder:Process_Link unable to load L"Z:\\home\\dank\\demo\\src\\net\\data\\url_request_unittest\\with-headers.html.lnk" fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub err:menubuilder:WinMain failed to build menu item for Z:\home\dank\demo\src\net\data\url_request_unittest\with-headers.html.lnk fixme:crypt:CRYPT_CriticalExtensionsSupported unsupported critical extension "" fixme:crypt:CRYPT_CriticalExtensionsSupported unsupported critical extension "" [19:41:1106/] TEST CONFIGURATION ERROR: you need to import the test ca certificate to your trusted roots for this test to work. For more info visit: .\url_request\ error: Value of: NULL != server.get() Actual: false Expected: true [ FAILED ] HTTPSRequestTest.HTTPSGetTest (745 ms) [ RUN ] HTTPSRequestTest.HTTPSMismatchedTest [19:41:1106/] TEST CONFIGURATION ERROR: you need to import the test ca certificate to your trusted roots for this test to work. For more info visit: .\url_request\ error: Value of: NULL != server.get() Actual: false Expected: true [ FAILED ] HTTPSRequestTest.HTTPSMismatchedTest (9 ms) [ RUN ] HTTPSRequestTest.HTTPSExpiredTest [19:41:1106/] TEST CONFIGURATION ERROR: you need to import the test ca certificate to your trusted roots for this test to work. For more info visit: .\url_request\ error: Value of: NULL != server.get() Actual: false Expected: true [ FAILED ] HTTPSRequestTest.HTTPSExpiredTest (9 ms) [----------] 3 tests from HTTPSRequestTest (764 ms total) [----------] 9 tests from URLRequestTestFTP fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ RUN ] URLRequestTestFTP.FLAKY_FTPDirectoryListing fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa20, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestFTP.FLAKY_FTPDirectoryListing (15 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestFTP.FTPGetTestAnonymous fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f8, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestFTP.FTPGetTestAnonymous (13 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestFTP.FTPGetTest fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f8, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestFTP.FTPGetTest (13 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestFTP.FTPCheckWrongPassword fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f8, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestFTP.FTPCheckWrongPassword (4 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestFTP.FLAKY_FTPCheckWrongPasswordRestart fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f8, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestFTP.FLAKY_FTPCheckWrongPasswordRestart (15 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestFTP.FTPCheckWrongUser fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f8, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestFTP.FTPCheckWrongUser (4 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestFTP.FLAKY_FTPCheckWrongUserRestart fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f8, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestFTP.FLAKY_FTPCheckWrongUserRestart (14 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestFTP.FLAKY_FTPCacheURLCredentials fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa74, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f6cc, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestFTP.FLAKY_FTPCacheURLCredentials (27 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTestFTP.FLAKY_FTPCacheLoginBoxCredentials fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa74, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f6cc, (nil)) stub! fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported fixme:threadpool:RtlQueueWorkItem Flags 0x4 not supported [ OK ] URLRequestTestFTP.FLAKY_FTPCacheLoginBoxCredentials (26 ms) [----------] 9 tests from URLRequestTestFTP (136 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from URLRequestTrackerTest [ RUN ] URLRequestTrackerTest.Basic fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa70, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f728, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f3e0, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f098, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32ed50, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTrackerTest.Basic (1 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTrackerTest.GraveyardBounded fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32fa6c, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTrackerTest.GraveyardBounded (3 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTrackerTest.GraveyardURLBounded fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9fc, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTrackerTest.GraveyardURLBounded (1 ms) [ RUN ] URLRequestTrackerTest.TrackingInvalidURL fixme:seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (0, 62, 0x32f9f4, (nil)) stub! [ OK ] URLRequestTrackerTest.TrackingInvalidURL (0 ms) [----------] 4 tests from URLRequestTrackerTest (6 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from WebSocketTest [ RUN ] WebSocketTest.Connect [ OK ] WebSocketTest.Connect (2 ms) [ RUN ] WebSocketTest.ServerSentData [ OK ] WebSocketTest.ServerSentData (2 ms) [ RUN ] WebSocketTest.ProcessFrameDataForLengthCalculation [ OK ] WebSocketTest.ProcessFrameDataForLengthCalculation (0 ms) [ RUN ] WebSocketTest.ProcessFrameDataForUnterminatedString [ OK ] WebSocketTest.ProcessFrameDataForUnterminatedString (0 ms) [----------] 4 tests from WebSocketTest (7 ms total) [----------] 1 test from WebSocketThrottleTest [ RUN ] WebSocketThrottleTest.Throttle [ OK ] WebSocketThrottleTest.Throttle (1 ms) [----------] 1 test from WebSocketThrottleTest (1 ms total) [----------] 18 tests from DiskCacheTest [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.CacheAddr_Size [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.CacheAddr_Size (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.CacheAddr_ValidValues [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.CacheAddr_ValidValues (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.CacheAddr_InvalidValues [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.CacheAddr_InvalidValues (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.StorageBlock_LoadStore [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.StorageBlock_LoadStore (1 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.StorageBlock_SetData [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.StorageBlock_SetData (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.StorageBlock_SetModified [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.StorageBlock_SetModified (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.BlockFiles_Grow [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.BlockFiles_Grow (626 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.BlockFiles_Shrink [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.BlockFiles_Shrink (231 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.BlockFiles_Recover [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.BlockFiles_Recover (14 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.BlockFiles_ZeroSizeFile [19:41:1106/] Invalid file version or magic [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.BlockFiles_ZeroSizeFile (3 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.BlockFiles_InvalidFile [19:41:1106/] Failed to open C:\windows\temp\cache_test\data_5 [19:41:1106/] Invalid file version or magic [19:41:1106/] Invalid file version or magic [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.BlockFiles_InvalidFile (4 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.ShutdownWithPendingIO [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.ShutdownWithPendingIO (33 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.Backend_DeleteOld [19:41:1106/] Corrupt Index file [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.Backend_DeleteOld (2097 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.Backend_UsageStats [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.Backend_UsageStats (2084 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.MultipleInstances [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.MultipleInstances (12 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.AutomaticMaxSize [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.AutomaticMaxSize (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.MappedFile_SyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.MappedFile_SyncIO (1 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheTest.MappedFile_AsyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheTest.MappedFile_AsyncIO (1 ms) [----------] 18 tests from DiskCacheTest (5114 ms total) [----------] 46 tests from DiskCacheEntryTest [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.InternalSyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.InternalSyncIO (8 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyInternalSyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyInternalSyncIO (1 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.InternalAsyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.InternalAsyncIO (11 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyInternalAsyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyInternalAsyncIO (2 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.ExternalSyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.ExternalSyncIO (12 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyExternalSyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyExternalSyncIO (3 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.ExternalAsyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.ExternalAsyncIO (14 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyExternalAsyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyExternalAsyncIO (5 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.StreamAccess [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.StreamAccess (9 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyStreamAccess [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyStreamAccess (1 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.GetKey [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.GetKey (10 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyGetKey [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyGetKey (2 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.GrowData [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.GrowData (11 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyGrowData [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyGrowData (2 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.TruncateData [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.TruncateData (2112 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyTruncateData [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyTruncateData (2 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.ZeroLengthIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.ZeroLengthIO (8 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyZeroLengthIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyZeroLengthIO (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.ReuseExternalEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.ReuseExternalEntry (23 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyReuseExternalEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyReuseExternalEntry (2 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.ReuseInternalEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.ReuseInternalEntry (12 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyReuseInternalEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyReuseInternalEntry (1 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.InvalidData [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.InvalidData (11 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyInvalidData [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyInvalidData (2 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.DoomEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.DoomEntry (11 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyDoomEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyDoomEntry (3 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.DoomedEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.DoomedEntry (11 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyDoomedEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyDoomedEntry (2 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyEnumerationWithSparseEntries [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyEnumerationWithSparseEntries (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.BasicSparseSyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.BasicSparseSyncIO (13 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyBasicSparseSyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyBasicSparseSyncIO (1 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.BasicSparseAsyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.BasicSparseAsyncIO (13 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyBasicSparseAsyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyBasicSparseAsyncIO (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.HugeSparseSyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.HugeSparseSyncIO (82 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyHugeSparseSyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyHugeSparseSyncIO (91 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.HugeSparseAsyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.HugeSparseAsyncIO (84 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyHugeSparseAsyncIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyHugeSparseAsyncIO (91 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.GetAvailableRange [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.GetAvailableRange (11 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyGetAvailableRange [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyGetAvailableRange (19 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyMisalignedSparseIO [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyMisalignedSparseIO (1 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyMisalignedGetAvailableRange [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyMisalignedGetAvailableRange (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.DoomSparseEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.DoomSparseEntry (18 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyDoomSparseEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryOnlyDoomSparseEntry (2 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.PartialSparseEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.PartialSparseEntry (10 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryPartialSparseEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.MemoryPartialSparseEntry (1 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheEntryTest.CleanupSparseEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheEntryTest.CleanupSparseEntry (11 ms) [----------] 46 tests from DiskCacheEntryTest (2762 ms total) [----------] 14 tests from BitmapTest [ RUN ] BitmapTest.OverAllocate [ OK ] BitmapTest.OverAllocate (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.DefaultConstructor [ OK ] BitmapTest.DefaultConstructor (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.Basics [ OK ] BitmapTest.Basics (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.Toggle [ OK ] BitmapTest.Toggle (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.Resize [ OK ] BitmapTest.Resize (1 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.Map [ OK ] BitmapTest.Map (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.SetAll [ OK ] BitmapTest.SetAll (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.Range [ OK ] BitmapTest.Range (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.FindNextSetBitBeforeLimit [ OK ] BitmapTest.FindNextSetBitBeforeLimit (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.FindNextSetBitBeforeLimitAligned [ OK ] BitmapTest.FindNextSetBitBeforeLimitAligned (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.FindNextSetBit [ OK ] BitmapTest.FindNextSetBit (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.FindNextBit [ OK ] BitmapTest.FindNextBit (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.SimpleFindBits [ OK ] BitmapTest.SimpleFindBits (0 ms) [ RUN ] BitmapTest.MultiWordFindBits [ OK ] BitmapTest.MultiWordFindBits (0 ms) [----------] 14 tests from BitmapTest (5 ms total) [----------] 74 tests from DiskCacheBackendTest [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.Basics [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.Basics (7 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionBasics [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionBasics (8 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyBasics [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyBasics (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.Keying [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.Keying (7 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionKeying [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionKeying (7 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyKeying [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyKeying (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.ExternalFiles [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.ExternalFiles (6 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.SetSize [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.SetSize (7 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionSetSize [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionSetSize (7 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlySetSize [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlySetSize (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.Load [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.Load (32 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionLoad [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionLoad (46 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyLoad [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyLoad (6 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.ValidEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.ValidEntry (11 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionValidEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionValidEntry (10 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidEntry (10 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidEntry (10 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidEntryRead [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidEntryRead (11 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidEntryRead [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidEntryRead (12 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidEntryWithLoad [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidEntryWithLoad (52 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidEntryWithLoad [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidEntryWithLoad (59 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.TrimInvalidEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.TrimInvalidEntry (9 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionTrimInvalidEntry [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionTrimInvalidEntry (9 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.TrimInvalidEntry2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.TrimInvalidEntry2 (29 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionTrimInvalidEntry2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionTrimInvalidEntry2 (33 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.Enumerations [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.Enumerations (34 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionEnumerations [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionEnumerations (34 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyEnumerations [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyEnumerations (6 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.Enumerations2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.Enumerations2 (26 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionEnumerations2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionEnumerations2 (27 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyEnumerations2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyEnumerations2 (20 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidEntryEnumeration [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidEntryEnumeration (13 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidEntryEnumeration [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidEntryEnumeration (14 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.FixEnumerators [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.FixEnumerators (10 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionFixEnumerators [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionFixEnumerators (10 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DoomRecent [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DoomRecent (49 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDoomRecent [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDoomRecent (50 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyDoomRecent [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyDoomRecent (41 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DoomBetween [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DoomBetween (69 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDoomBetween [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDoomBetween (69 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyDoomBetween [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyDoomBetween (61 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.RecoverInsert [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.RecoverInsert (95 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionRecoverInsert [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionRecoverInsert (86 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.RecoverRemove [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.RecoverRemove (114 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionRecoverRemove [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionRecoverRemove (113 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidEntry2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidEntry2 (6 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidEntry2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidEntry2 (6 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NotMarkedButDirty [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NotMarkedButDirty (8 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionNotMarkedButDirty [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionNotMarkedButDirty (8 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NotMarkedButDirty2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NotMarkedButDirty2 (8 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionNotMarkedButDirty2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionNotMarkedButDirty2 (8 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidRankings2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidRankings2 (6 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidRankings2 [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidRankings2 (24 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidRankingsSuccess [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidRankingsSuccess (25 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidRankingsSuccess [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidRankingsSuccess (24 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidRankingsFailure [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.InvalidRankingsFailure (22 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidRankingsFailure [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionInvalidRankingsFailure (22 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableSuccess [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableSuccess (23 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDisableSuccess [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDisableSuccess (21 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableFailure [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableFailure (19 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDisableFailure [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDisableFailure (19 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableSuccess2 [19:41:1106/] Inconsistent LRU. [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableSuccess2 (20 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDisableSuccess2 [19:41:1106/] Inconsistent LRU. [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDisableSuccess2 (20 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableFailure2 [19:41:1106/] Inconsistent LRU. [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableFailure2 (20 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDisableFailure2 [19:41:1106/] Inconsistent LRU. [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDisableFailure2 (20 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableSuccess3 [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableSuccess3 (21 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDisableSuccess3 [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDisableSuccess3 (20 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableSuccess4 [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [19:41:1106/] Failed to save user data [19:41:1106/] Failed to save user data [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DisableSuccess4 (25 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.FLAKY_NewEvictionDisableSuccess4 [19:41:1106/] Critical error found -8 [19:41:1106/] Failed to save user data [19:41:1106/] Failed to save user data [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.FLAKY_NewEvictionDisableSuccess4 (24 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DoomAll [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DoomAll (12 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDoomAll [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDoomAll (11 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyDoomAll [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.MemoryOnlyDoomAll (0 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DoomAll2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.DoomAll2 (12 ms) [ RUN ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDoomAll2 [ OK ] DiskCacheBackendTest.NewEvictionDoomAll2 (11 ms) [----------] 74 tests from DiskCacheBackendTest (1833 ms total) [----------] Global test environment tear-down [==========] 994 tests from 83 test cases ran. (24158 ms total) [ PASSED ] 985 tests. [ FAILED ] 9 tests, listed below: [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.HttpMimeType [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.ContentDisposition [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.NoCache [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.TooLarge [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.Hang [ FAILED ] ProxyScriptFetcherTest.Encodings [ FAILED ] HTTPSRequestTest.HTTPSGetTest [ FAILED ] HTTPSRequestTest.HTTPSMismatchedTest [ FAILED ] HTTPSRequestTest.HTTPSExpiredTest 9 FAILED TESTS YOU HAVE 7 DISABLED TESTS YOU HAVE 6 FLAKY TESTS