at the Bash -DSTANDALONE -D_X86_ lzexpand.c lz32.lib
WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/psdkwin7 export WINEPREFIX wget sh winetricks -q psdkwin7 dxsdk_nov2006You should select just the minimum core subset of the platform SDK, or it might not install properly (see bug 21596). If you're building wine from git, you may need to patch it to avoid bug 30845.
Here's the ~/bin/cl script I use:
#!/bin/sh WINE=${WINE:-wine} WINEPREFIX=${WINEPREFIX:-$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/psdkwin7} export WINEPREFIX PROGRAMFILES="c:\Program Files" WSDK="$PROGRAMFILES\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0" WPSDK="$PROGRAMFILES\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0" WDXSDK="$PROGRAMFILES\Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2006)" export WINEPATH="c:\windows;c:\windows\system32;$WSDK\Common7\IDE;$WSDK\VC\bin" export INCLUDE="$WSDK\VC\include;$WPSDK\Include;$WDXSDK\Include" export LIB="$WSDK\VC\lib;$WPSDK\Lib;$WDXSDK\Lib\x86" $WINE cl.exe $@I constructed this iteratively by starting out with setting no variables, seeing what cl complained about when I tried to compile/link a program, using 'find' to locate the missing files in ~/.wine, and adding the missing directory to the appropriate variable.
Once you've created this, add ~/bin to your PATH, e.g.
PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/binso you can run cl from the commandline without a path.
Try building "hello world" now!
Here are the commands to download and build a sample app (assuming you've installed the SDKS, created ~/bin/cl and put it on your PATH, as described above.) (Note: the same commands can be used in Cygwin on Windows, though there you would append to PATH rather than setting WINEPATH, and you don't need a cl script.)
wget unzip cd dx9_hlsl_simple_vs2ps cl dx9_hlsl_simple_vs2ps.cpp user32.lib gdi32.lib d3d9.lib d3dx9.lib wine dx9_hlsl_simple_vs2ps.exe # If it complains about shader model 1_1, edit the .cpp file, change 1_1 to 2_0, and run cl again.