The Mozilla project faces a similar problem. They have an interesting proposal for dealing with these old bugs: email everyone who submitted an old UNCONFIRMED bug to ask them to update the bug if it's still valid. Then wait two weeks, and if no reply, close the bug.
I propose the Wine project do something similar. Let's write a little script to send the following message (with %bug% and %url% suitably expanded) to the people who filed those bugs:
Then, after the two weeks have passed, repeat the query (this time, looking for bugs unchanged in 104 days, of course), and mark all the unconfirmed bugs that remain unchanged as "resolved abandoned".This is an automated message, with ID "wine-auto-resolve01". You submitted the following bug to Wine: %bug% This bug has had no comments for a long time. If you're still interested in this bug, please click on the following link: %url% and add a comment saying you're still interested, giving more information if you have it (e.g. whether it still happens with the latest version of Wine). If the problem has gone away, you need take no action. We will automatically mark your bug as 'resolved' if we don't hear from you in the next two weeks. You can always reopen the bug later if needed. Thank you for your help in this matter!