Syscall param ioctl(generic) points to uninitialised byte(s) at ??? (in /lib/ by ??? (in /usr/lib/ Address 0x7f22e878 is on thread 1's stack Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation at ??? (in /usr/lib/ { Memcheck:Param ioctl(generic) obj:/lib/ obj:/usr/lib/ } fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x7f22f614,0x00000000), stub! fixme:d3d:WineD3D_ChoosePixelFormat Add OpenGL context recreation support to SetDepthStencilSurface visual.c:2837: Tests skipped: Sanity check returned an incorrect color(00000000), can't assure the correctness of the tests, skipping fixme:d3d_surface:surface_load_ds_location No up to date depth stencil location Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) at IWineD3DSwapChainImpl_Destroy (swapchain.c:86) by IWineD3DBaseSwapChainImpl_Release (swapchain_base.c:62) by IParentImpl_Release (parent.c:131) by D3D7CB_DestroySwapChain (ddraw.c:1730) by IWineD3DDeviceImpl_Uninit3D (device.c:1810) by IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl_Release (surface.c:330) by releaseObjects (visual.c:158) by func_visual (visual.c:2882) by run_test (test.h:541) by main (test.h:591) Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation at IDirectDrawImpl_AttachD3DDevice (ddraw.c:2848) { Memcheck:Cond fun:IWineD3DSwapChainImpl_Destroy fun:IWineD3DBaseSwapChainImpl_Release fun:IParentImpl_Release fun:D3D7CB_DestroySwapChain fun:IWineD3DDeviceImpl_Uninit3D fun:IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl_Release fun:releaseObjects fun:func_visual fun:run_test fun:main } HEAP SUMMARY: in use at exit: 412,730 bytes in 4,961 blocks total heap usage: 31,487 allocs, 26,526 frees, 25,047,977 bytes allocated LEAK SUMMARY: definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks indirectly lost: 120 bytes in 10 blocks possibly lost: 8 bytes in 1 blocks still reachable: 331,426 bytes in 2,184 blocks suppressed: 81,176 bytes in 2,766 blocks Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown. To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ERROR SUMMARY: 53 errors from 3 contexts (suppressed: 445 from 114) used_suppression: 94 todo_suppress_libfontconfig_leak used_suppression: 174 todo_suppress_dlopen_leak used_suppression: 8 suppress_leak_libgl used_suppression: 1 suppress_nss_leak used_suppression: 1 user32_builtin_classes_leak used_suppression: 2 todo_wine_dlls_winex11drv__X11DRV_XRender_Init used_suppression: 2 todo_wine_dlls_winex11drv__X11DRV_XComposite_Init used_suppression: 2 todo_wine_dlls_winex11drv__X11DRV_XRandR_Init used_suppression: 2 todo_wine_dlls_winex11drv__X11DRV_XF86VM_Init used_suppression: 4 todo_wine_dlls_winex11drv__xinerama_init used_suppression: 4 todo_wine_dlls_winex11drv__XkbUseExtension used_suppression: 1 todo_wine_dlls_winex11drv__x11drv_init_thread_data_main used_suppression: 1 todo_suppress_wine_init_load_order_leak used_suppression: 1 todo_suppress_wine_alloc_module_leak used_suppression: 2 todo_wine_dlls_winex11drv_XOpenDisplay used_suppression: 98 bogus_cond_libglcore used_suppression: 7 X on SUSE11 writev uninit padding 2 used_suppression: 229 dl-hack3-cond-1 used_suppression: 68 glibc-2.10-on-SUSE-10.3-(x86)