Both Wine and Valgrind have grown the ability to use debug information from .pdb files created by Visual C++. That support was first written to handle Visual C++ 6, and may need some love to handle later versions of Visual C++. This directory contains two simple test programs - crash.c and uninit.c - which generate simple errors that should generate nice symbolic stack dumps under wine and valgrind+wine, respectively. The batch files vc6.bat, vc2003.bat, vc2005.bat, and vc2008.bat show how those test programs were compiled with the four compilers. The output of the compiler is stored in a directory named after the test program, compiler, and compile options, e.g. crash-vc2003-Zi. A directory with linux valgrind output, uninit-linux-g, is provided for comparison. Inside crash-* are plain and verbose logs of wine running the app. Inside uninit-* are plain and verbose logs of valgrind+wine running the app. Results: $ grep main */wine.log | grep -v CRTStartup | uniq crash-vc6-Zi/wine.log: 2 0x0040104f main+0xc(argc=1, argv=0x520d50) [..\crash.c:9] in crash (0x0032fe78) crash-vc2003-Zi/wine.log: 2 0x0040105c main+0xc(argc=1, argv=0x520d50) [c:\users\dkegel\pdbdemo\crash.c:9] in crash (0x0032fddc) crash-vc2005-Zi/wine.log: 2 0x0040105c main+0xc(argc=1, argv=0x531598) in crash (0x0032fe68) crash-vc2008-Zi/wine.log: 2 0x0040105c main+0xc(argc=1, argv=0x531898) in crash (0x0032fe70) $ grep main */valgrind.log | grep -v CRTStartup | uniq uninit-vc6-Zi/valgrind.log:==4339== by 0x40106D: main (uninit.c:11) uninit-vc2008-Zi/valgrind.log:==4329== by 0x40107B: main (in /home/dank/pdbdemo/uninit-vc2008-Zi/uninit.exe) uninit-linux-g/valgrind.log:==3696== by 0x8048441: main (uninit.c:11) In other words: wine valgrind vc6 great! great! vc2003 great! no good stack?! vc2005 no line numbers no good stack?! vc2008 no line numbers no line numbers linux - great! This issue has been filed as and respectively. Eric Pouech has a draft patch that fixes wine to have line numbers for vc2005/vc2008; it should be attached soon to It shouldn't be too hard to do the same in valgrind. Dan Kegel 23 Oct 2009